Beginners - March 2016 (Page 2)

Cannot get an array's index to output correctly
Title. Every time I try to get the largest number in an array's index to display, it just puts out 0. What am I doing wrong? #include <iostream> #incl...
[3 replies] Last: You're not storing that information anywhere. On line 27, you need to ... (by Moschops)
Help please!
I have to make a program for school to encrypt a message with the "code Cesar". I made a function to encrypt the message but when I add the key to the message I...
[7 replies] Last: I put an absolute value in the if condition and nomit works without an... (by lemniscate12)
IDK HOW TO USE C++ but i would like to learn plz help
[1 reply] : (by chicofeo)
void function with 4 parameters that must display (1,2)
The void funcnction( voidcost() ) displays everything except the variable tax, tip, and totBill in it? #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using name...
[24 replies] Last: great it works perfecr like that?? I would have spent another day bang... (by miah612000)
Void Functions and Error Message not working
Hi I have been spending several hours trying to debug this program but with no luck. I temporarily turned lines 74-76 into documentation and the program compil...
[3 replies] Last: With the code tags: Edit your post, select the code, then press the <... (by TheIdeasMan)
Reading, converting, and outputting strings
I am trying to complete this assignment and I am having some issues. If someone could just point out whats going wrong I would greatly appreciate it. Below are ...
[1 reply] : What exactly is going wrong? Be specific. If you haven't yet, you can ... (by CS Student)
The character 'b' is char('a'+1), 'c' is char('a'+2), etc. Use a loop to write out a table of characters with their corresponding integer values. a 97 b 98 ...
[1 reply] : If you are just starting out with C++, I wouldn't read anything from B... (by CS Student)
Calculating mean and standard deviation
I have to make a program that calculates the mean and standard deviation of 5 numbers but I keep getting a ridiculously big number for the mean and -2 for the s...
[3 replies] Last: Please always use code tags : (by TheIdeasMan)
Reading in spaces and editing chars in getline?
I can't read in spaces to the array. But when I switch to getline I don't know how to edit out the vowels. Please help! Trying to figure out the problem in ...
[1 reply] : cin does not collect spaces. In fact, it reads whatever you entered up... (by CS Student)
Reading any line of a file
Hello folks, i'm a newbie herein this forum. I'm using QT Creator in compiling my work. i can't seem to read the next line of my file, whenever i switch usern...
[11 replies] Last: Thank you sir. (by mortdecai)
How to return a c string array?
How can I return a c string array? I'm writing a function that needs to return a c string array reference but I keep getting errors when I try to return it. How...
[1 reply] : char * encoded ; This is an array of 500 char-pointers. Is that what... (by Moschops)
Comparing Temperatures
From a file of a temperatures I trying to compare different temperatures. Unfortunately I'm getting multiple outputs when I only want one. I just need either ...
[4 replies] Last: The last condition doesn't need an else if because if neither of the... (by Chervil)
Recurrsion Maze
I'm having some trouble with the actual recursive part. It's a maze that displays from a text file which opens file and displays as it should, but I cant get th...
[8 replies] Last: +++ +++ ++ this is the text file Im working with + + +++ ++ + + ... (by ArtisticMess)
No output
Hi, Im really really beginner. Im stuck with no outputs. How can i solve it? The code is for this question: A palindromic number reads the same both ways. ...
[9 replies] Last: When you add the line i--; your code outputs 0. This is because... (by Too Explosive)
Help with Virtual Store Program
Hi guys. So I needed to create a virtual store program using file input/output, functions, and vectors. I have the program complete, but there is just few quest...
[1 reply] : Can someone tell me how to make a variable that adds to itself I gi... (by keskiverto)
I need to shift array elements to the right a certain number of times?
First: I have no idea what I'm doing or where to begin. I've been told by my professor that this problem is supposed to be "a simple loop inside a loop". Yet I ...
[1 reply] : Moving right is the "easy part", but what to do with the "edges"? The... (by keskiverto)
Calculating Time With Recursion
Hey so I need help with writing a recursion function that that calculates the time needed to travel a given. You input a distance. If the distance is 1 metre or...
[4 replies] Last: Omg I just tried that and it worked^ thank you!! (by cmptloser)
Deck of Cards Vector help
Hi all, I'm trying to figure out how I can store all 52 cards in a vector without pushing everything back because it consumes a lot of time. Is it possible to a...
[1 reply] : You mean something like: vector<string> deckOfCards = {"AS","JS",... (by jlb)
C++ BubbleSort Help
Write a program, which will ask the user how many whole numbers they wish to enter. The program will then read that many numbers, print them in the order they w...
[2 replies] Last: Bubblesort.h #ifndef BUBBLE_SORT_H #define BUBBLE_SORT_H void Bubble... (by Scaseygg)
Reading text file
I have a text file containing: int Bob, 2you, john, AdamSmith; float taxYear=2013, taxRate=29.2.3; And I need to read it in a way where I analyze: int Bo...
[2 replies] Last: If the file has been written into the program file use ofstream myfile... (by miah612000)
March 2016 Pages: 1234... 47
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