by abdalimran
How to get the index of an element into a vector most efficiently?
[1 reply] : Do you really need index? Why not use iterators? Also in your code po... (by MiiNiPaa)
Comparing numbers using for |
[1 reply] : you can store it in array. and make a variable temp. in the for loop.... (by xenovia12)
by Nis
Pointers inside class
[15 replies] Last: Why should I copy s? It's all declared in the same class :/ Think ab... (by Peter87)
by sljackson36
Class called Date
[2 replies] Last: Hi, Nothing to do with your problem, but you shouldn't have to re-dec... (by TheIdeasMan)
Beginning Vectors/ need help with subtracting choices |
[no replies]
by sivar
How to sorting through a file using C++
[10 replies] Last: struct method gives you more control, such as Calculating the Average ... (by anup30)
by amikecallies
Resetting data type within a for loop
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! Got it working! (by amikecallies)
by karshant
C, C++, VC++/MFC/Win32, COM/DCOM FAQs
[no replies]
by dude182
Question on arrays
[8 replies] Last: I think I got it now. Thanks for all the help everyone. This is what ... (by dude182)
by calisabeth
making Fibonacci numbers
[no replies]
by Arslan7041
Why isn't this simple program working?
[7 replies] Last: make sure to hit solved button! good job! (by dagurr)
by dagurr
Program tweeking with arrays
[no replies]
by abc456
Can someone help me fix this code?
[8 replies] Last: for(int i =0; i<100; i++) { temp+= numbers ; //c... (by abc456)
by axel609
input only roman numerals
[2 replies] Last: sorry but this doesn't really help me (by axel609)
by slappy
Recursive method that calculates a^b
[16 replies] Last: keskiverto : You are indeed right, i just deleted my code from the fun... (by Precious roy)
by dagurr
Calendar Project (easy fix) (Slight error)
[1 reply] : I found several problems in the displayTable function. I'm not sure wh... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
by TheCoolest2
What are these error codes on my prime test??
[7 replies] Last: Simple Google search reveals: (by Militie)