by Xefin
Assistance in a walkthrough of a lab
[4 replies] Last: We have to basically do the lab twice, once using CASE and then IF/ELS... (by Xefin)
by Niroshan
Calculate the monthly sales statistics
[1 reply] : Please note, that this is not a homework site. We won't do your homewo... (by keskiverto)
by Dkramb2
I can't compile this for this reason:
[3 replies] Last: Let me write one possible main() for you: #include <iostream> int mai... (by keskiverto)
by loopdydoo
Help launching google chrome
[no replies]
by Lee125
Difference between refference and pointers?
[5 replies] Last: Thanks to Peter87 and keskiverto. (by Lee125)
by Mike Teavee
Best code to prevent negative numbers?
[4 replies] Last: Thank you all, I got the code working. I used peter87's solution, but ... (by Mike Teavee)
Can you explain code? |
[3 replies] Last: I could not understand why they shift the bit to right. But it's clear... (by Je suis Charlie)
by DecaK
Qt Programming connection
[4 replies] Last: how can I know name of variables in GUI? What GUI? Do you mean the ... (by keskiverto)
by camk16
PLEASE HELP!!! (1,2)
[21 replies] Last: Why doesn't this work: #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #inclu... (by camk16)
by sipem681
Looping a chunk of code
[1 reply] : The trick is to do it in an "infinite" loop, and break out in the midd... (by dhayden)
by Comicalizard
How to calculate buy two get one free Blu-rays?
[3 replies] Last: Buy-two-get-one means that every 3 CDs costs 2*9.99 = 19.98. So divid... (by dhayden)
by NiceRouchy
Weird chinese characters
[1 reply] : Could you show the code where you write to the file? If the program is... (by LB)
by etrusks
some weird class/struct problem
[2 replies] Last: Ohh :) Thank you very much man!! (by etrusks)
Pointers |
[3 replies] Last: Online program for ease-of-use: (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
by Gi Pa
Program that deletes the punctuation
[no replies]
by calistaird
need help with my seconds converter!
[4 replies] Last: thank you! i appreciate the quick response (by calistaird)
by Comicalizard
Determining the winner of rock paper scissors?
[2 replies] Last: Ah, Thanks! I guess I need to stop trying to do stuff that early in th... (by Comicalizard)
by northfly
I hate using pointers, but what else can I use?
[9 replies] Last: I hate pointers too: (by LB)
by inexpressive
Input Validation (don't know what I did wrong)
[3 replies] Last: See if this helps at all: (by LB)