Beginners - March 2015 (Page 12)

by tafmp
unintalized local variable "exitcode" used
Can any1 explain whats wrong with GetExitCodeProcess, exitcode; #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <Windows.h> using namespace std; in...
[2 replies] Last: Thx TarikNeaj. Tought the GetExitCodeProcess call will intalize exitco... (by tafmp)
Expression, Vector subscript out of range
Hey guys! I'm getting this error whenever I try and compile my code. It's for a school assignment and my friend has essentially the same code and his compil...
[3 replies] Last: And 'Debug Assertation Failed' is a runtime error not at compile tim... (by coder777)
How do i express this condition correctly Condition : i need data.size() to be either divisible by 2 or 3 and greater than 0, can't understand why my solution...
[10 replies] Last: Ooh yeah now I see my ill logic, thank you very much am good now. (by closed account SECMoG1T)
Right now, my program compiles. The problem i have is. When i enter in the name of the team, it just crashes. please help!? Sample Output: (This is what it ...
[2 replies] Last: You never initialize name on line 8. Neither on line 29 which can be... (by coder777)
by LocHa
Assign ofstream to ostream
I have to write a "logon" and a "logoff" function which redirect the current iostream from a function to a fstream and back. To be more specific, I have: ...
[1 reply] : There is a trick: *stream s are nothing more than facades for stream ... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Nenna
If Statement not running
I've got my final due tomorrow at 7pm and I'm having a lot of trouble with some random stuff. If statements just not running mostly. It's not done yet obvious...
[7 replies] Last: if I am U i will do like this, MainPick = toupper(MainPick); if(Main... (by quisite)
Writing a function with void paramter
For my assignment I have to do use a previous assignment I did and break it into the following functions: // get the number of rows from the user, assuring ...
[5 replies] Last: If it's okay, I sent you(andy1992) a PM of my program and I'm hoping y... (by joshuatz)
HW loops i need help PLEASE
so ive been looking at this i really can't solve it i need explanation i displayed it here the link. can people see this or this cant be displayed here help ...
[1 reply] : Someone posted something almost like what you wanted to do a couple da... (by fg109)
How can I compare two strings and determine if they are equal?
This is my line of code. In the "worldSeriesChampions.txt" the San Francisco Giants win twice I believe. When I run the program and enter the San Francisco Gian...
[4 replies] Last: In the "worldSeriesChampions.txt" the San Francisco Giants win twice ... (by fg109)
whats wrong with my code? (for loop)
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { // for loop execution for( int leftDigit = 0; leftDigit < 10; leftDigit++) { for( i...
[1 reply] : "n\" (by fg109)
[2 replies] Last: Here is one way (fixing indenting mostly): Another... (by Smac89)
by bean19
How do I assign a value to this?
Hi! I'm not sure how to assign a value to the variable amOrPm (line 36). The program converts time from 24 hours to a 12 hour clock and vice versa. However, ...
[6 replies] Last: Appreciate the help. I knew I was on the right track but I knew that I... (by bean19)
Homework help
Hi, I need help on this homework assignment I'm currently on. Design a value returning function that will expect one char type parameter. If the character is a...
[4 replies] Last: I can see that :) Happy Coding! (by TarikNeaj)
Could someone just give me a few examples of using typedef? My teacher uses it a lot, and I want to be able to start using it. Thanks much! Ryan
[5 replies] Last: using storage_t = std::array<float, 100>; Save your fingers. Everyo... (by LB)
by HG319
recursive linked list function
I posted them question last week but no one answered to help me. I have this function to get an entry in a linked list but I have to make it recursive. I was...
[6 replies] Last: I am just trying to figure it out, would this work? I know for the par... (by HG319)
Inheritance class invoke
I used an object of class D, can I invoke function f()? or, the keyword private only allow me to invoke h()? class B { public: B(); B(int nn); vo...
[2 replies] Last: Also, theres plenty of youtube videos explaining private inheritance i... (by TarikNeaj)
by vtk
why does \n vs endl work differntly with setw output
This code works perfectly but if you were to use the \n in the setw it will mess up the output format anyone have a good explanation why? heres an example...
[6 replies] Last: Alright thanks, and ill check that link out (by vtk)
Printing a list of values using a while loop & sentinel
I have to print values entered in by the user, using a while loop and a sentinel value of -1 to indicate the end of the input. For example, if the inputs are "4...
[5 replies] Last: Also, if I were you would I would set a global constant for sentinel. ... (by shamieh)
Arrays and Structs
Hello all. Building a program that function is to convert a numeric score to a letter grade. I am getting an error at line 71 saying that xcode expects a statem...
[5 replies] Last: oh whoopsie daysie... :D my bad. I never copy the top of the program w... (by TarikNeaj)
help with fstream and multiple variables.
I have used a text file to read and input multiple variables. I have 3 lines, with 3 players, including ID, name and money variables. I am looking for a way ...
[7 replies] Last: Sorry add this player (){} to the struct (by closed account SECMoG1T)
March 2015 Pages: 1... 1011121314... 51
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