by Nick6312
Converting Integers to Binary using vectors and random number generators. Need some guidance! (1,2)
[21 replies] Last: @IWishIKnew: Unfortunately college professors tend to have very absurd... (by LB)
Why does cout print all the string using the pointer? |
[11 replies] Last: Yes, though mixing C++ and C I/O is generally considered bad practice,... (by LB)
by gipsycr
cout not declared
[2 replies] Last: Your suggestion works perfect. Many thanks. In the book I’m using (C... (by gipsycr)
by sebihp2007
Is there a way to make your console change "actively"?
[3 replies] Last: Don't use NCurses, use the WinAPI. NCurses is all or nothing, and I f... (by IWishIKnew)
by VirgoD
how to write this C++ code
[1 reply] : Not quite sure what this means. You should clarify what writing "code... (by IWishIKnew)
by acasas44
Understanding Output.
[3 replies] Last: Thank you! This makes sense now, was reviewing off an old test and I t... (by acasas44)
by wood123
[no replies]
by loryisus
Masks and Bits
[no replies]
by Nera20
compiling with command prompt
[9 replies] Last: :O it worked! thank you all so much :D (by Nera20)
by qwertyking
help me finding number that are not multiples of m!!
[3 replies] Last: Thank you so much fellow, I just read your post. and your explain was... (by qwertyking)
by alsade
question about unexpected output
[2 replies] Last: thanks for that but it doesnt solve the problem (by alsade)
by denn3344
2D vector pass to function
[2 replies] Last: Your test() takes 'maze' by value . void foo (int x) { x = 7; } vo... (by keskiverto)
Polymorphism |
[3 replies] Last: You said that you have had inheritance. That you have struct Person a... (by keskiverto)
Trying to get number of sentences in a file |
[1 reply] : Number of periods (full stops) is the number of sentences. (by letscode)
by LuminaChen
Simple or Silly Question
[3 replies] Last: Recently I found this operator -= , and I use it like this x = 12 ... (by LuminaChen)
by Amorale14
Caesar cipher
[2 replies] Last: I fixed the errors and the program works. You even found an error that... (by Amorale14)
by sior818
Help anyone?
[3 replies] Last: Not any part of it? If so, where/why did you get this task (from)? (by keskiverto)
by Clay
program crash.
[5 replies] Last: Thanks i just put a if (points==0) break; and now it seems to be ... (by Clay)
by ljm21
Comparing strings
[4 replies] Last: Yes! This is correct! (by ljm21)
by Doobler
Kings tour
[3 replies] Last: There are still several 9 in your code. I suggest to search (also 8... (by coder777)