Beginners - March 2014 (Page 64)

by naming
char double array
If I write 4 5 asdgw asdgj whoiw qwhno stuff like this, I have to make char double array with those letters. int row, column, count; cin...
[3 replies] Last: There was a link in my previous post. (by keskiverto)
assigning values to the array position while using if else condition
Hi All, I am trying to make cpp code in which it is reading a file like : 1 A 2 I 3 V 4 I 5 A 6 I and the code will crea...
[3 replies] Last: Copy-paste "programming" (without comprehension) does no good. The "e... (by keskiverto)
Append pointer to list
[1 reply] : 1) Please use code tags. (by Catfish666)
Check uppercase or lowercase
The question given is : Write a program that will ask user to enter a character. Check if it is alphabetic or not? If alphabetic, Check weather it is Upperc...
[4 replies] Last: woohooo I messed up badly..... yes yes I got my fault thanks guys you ... (by closed account 4jzvC542)
by chofs
hey guys pleassssssseeeeeeeee trying to find the LCM between numbers a and i made a loop of those two values multiplying by "i" as depicted fro...
[2 replies] Last: thanxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a billion it works:) (by chofs)
Pointing Array between functions
Hi everyone, I'm stuck here and I need help on how am I suppose to point the array to another function to edit. This program is suppose to take in a matrix wit...
[no replies]
by Ausha
file stream, read from one text file and put the text into new file
I have an excersise, where i have to read text from a text file in read mode and the copy that text to another text file in write mode, so far its all ok with r...
[7 replies] Last: Either put(c) or << not both. If you write it like so the end o... (by coder777)
by locolo
Switch Case - char to int
I only have found examples for switch case using char but I need int, When I try to change to an int, it does not work. I know its going to be something super ...
[8 replies] Last: hi guys, Ive copied the code from usandfriend and worked... it was th... (by locolo)
trouble assigning data to class members
I'm still new to classes and I'm having trouble assigning data to the members in an object array. I'm trying use a function to create a new object array and let...
[no replies]
by krad
Bubble Sorting array, sorted Array contains different values
Hey guys, I'm playing around with Bubble Sort in order to sort a small randomly generated array. This problem is, the sorted array and the original array contai...
[2 replies] Last: @naraku9333 Thanks buddy, I'll add those changes. Someone had suggest... (by krad)
switch statements
hi, I am trying to write a switch statement but I missed this lesson and have no clue how to write this. it looks easy but this is my first c++ course. ok here ...
[2 replies] Last: Your "value"s should be case s. switch (value) { case 5: cout <<... (by long double main)
I need help with arrays and structures.
Hello cplusplus community. I was trying to solve a little problem from a tutorial to learn c++ and i've come to an impassable wall (for me of course :D). In th...
[5 replies] Last: No, using std::string , you would just have to do #include <string> ... (by long double main)
Switch Statement Problem
I'm trying to create a simple program that asks the user for a score between 0-100 and grades them depending on the score. I'm attempting to use a switch state...
[8 replies] Last: Or you could check for an invalid score beforehand and then not have t... (by long double main)
Pointer help
[1 reply] : I would have it just return the sum instead of messing around with ne... (by long double main)
Garbage Output
OK, Everything is compiling just fine. The only problem I'm getting is the output after the math is not correct. The idea of the program is to store integers la...
[8 replies] Last: Ok, I have been thinking about the problem at hand...and I have only s... (by cphipps)
Tic tac toe- what if the user types in a number that is already played?
Hey all, So I've written a tic tac toe problem that works! yay! sort of... the issue that im having is when the user types in a number that has already been p...
[no replies]
Error 1 error C2447: '{' : missing function header (old-style formal list?)
I can't find the error: Error 1 error C2447: '{' : missing function header (old-style formal list?) #include <iostream> using namespace std; do...
[10 replies] Last: Thank you all, really, for your help I 've been able to find all the p... (by jonanderdiez)
Pointers and Arrays
Thanks for the help
[2 replies] Last: Line 9 is an error. (by keskiverto)
project ideas that can be done in c++
Hello everyone, i'm a 19 years old engineering student, it's the first time i'm studying c++ and i find it fascinating and really want to learn programming. Ac...
[6 replies] Last: And if you had enough time and were looking for more challenging probl... (by Ardeshir81)
getline doesn't wait for my <enter> key
HI Everyone ! I'm trying to write a little program which waits for some minutes and then runs a command in terminal (Ubuntu 13) . But when I enter the tasm ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks ! Interesting !@ (by Ardeshir81)
March 2014 Pages: 1... 6263646566... 79
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