Beginners - March 2014 (Page 50)

static method inside class
Provide a public static class method to test a tax rate percentage value passed to it as a parameter. The method will RETurn a bool value, true: The parameter ...
[no replies]
by Arcie
Getting extra cin line before while and if
This is a very odd problem that I just can't seem to figure out! I am getting a cin line twice when I should only get one. Can anyone help with this? I don't ev...
[2 replies] Last: The reason I mentioned while is because if I switch while in for if, I... (by Arcie)
by dero
text file
hey all Guys can anyone plz tell me how can I delete the first and last line in an interval s 167.204369958 _7_ MAC --- 29867 tcp 630 [13a 8 7 800] ----...
[6 replies] Last: Could you read two lines (both 's' and 'r') at a time, test that both ... (by keskiverto)
Array problems, need help!
I'm having troubles with calculating the new score and calculating and displaying the difference between each new score and the average of new scores. we learn...
[6 replies] Last: Edit** I just read the name of who posted that question, lol... Sorry... (by MikeyBoy)
Step 3 Disch's Binary Tutorial, File Format
Hi, I'm sorry to bother y'all but I'm a bit confused by what Disch's Binary Tutorial meant on Step 3 Define your file format . Would anyone mind showing an ...
[2 replies] Last: Ah I can visualize it much better now, thank you! But now the questio... (by Peppercorn142)
more text based game trouble!
I've got 5 files: main.cpp character.h character.cpp storyboard.h storyboard.cpp when i run, i get this error form the linker: ld: duplicate sy...
[2 replies] Last: where should I put it so it won't be declared more than once? -ASCII1... (by ASCII14)
std::endl or /n
What do i end my input output streams with endl flushes the buffer while newline dosent what dose flushing the buffer ezactly mean please explain like...
[10 replies] Last: That depend. If you would want to learn C after you good In C++, go fo... (by MiiNiPaa)
Overload error
I have RestaurantCheck.h and RestaurantCheck.cpp files. This is from RestaurantCheck.cpp error says +1 overload. what's that mean? // Class Default ...
[1 reply] : Post full error text (by MiiNiPaa)
by enemy
why is new int[] changing its adress???
Write your question here. int* po(int b){ int d1; d1=3*b; int d2; d2=d1+5; int d3; d3=d2+3; int* a=new int ; //int a ={d1,...
[2 replies] Last: It doesn't. You're misreading the output. I got this output from ID... (by Disch)
I am struggling with a while loop please help
Write your question here. I am making a program that that determines if someone has exceeded their credit limit. I have made a loop but when i execute i am in a...
[18 replies] Last: It's got them flipped. im switching stuff around and it still looks li... (by adamcampbell)
by Arcie
Does Not Equal in relation to multiple possible inputs
Hi everyone! I am new to the forum. Before I start, I will say I have googled this question, checked the forum, and struggled with it on my own for a couple day...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks again! You guys rock! -Arcie (by Arcie)
Help with Pointers and Classes
I'm trying to write a class Person that has the following fields: name (string), best_friend (Person*) - a pointer to a Person's best friend, and popularity (in...
[1 reply] : You were trying to assign an object to a pointer to that object. Then ... (by MiiNiPaa)
Why is this class destructor declared wrong? class RestaurantCheck { // Public Interface public: // Class Constructor(s) float RO(float taxrate, fl...
[3 replies] Last: Yup. All constructors and destructors must have the same name as the c... (by MrHutch)
Why won't my code go to the second option I want avaliable?
Trying to make a super basic proof of concept game with my very limited knowledge, I want to type 1 to go north, 2 to go south, but only the north option will d...
[1 reply] : Hi @josephbraun99, if (Variable = 1) else if (Variable = 2) you... (by eyenrique)
by enemy
Where to put delete (from with new created array) in function?
Write your question here. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int new_int(int a){ cin>>a; return a; } int* f2(int z...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks!!! Is it written ok: delete z? (by enemy)
by enemy
new- delete at the right place???
Hello! Is that array deleted on the right way? Should not a be deleted instead of z? Many thanks! #include<iostream> using namespace std; int* push(...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks a lot! And I was also told different, that made confusion!:tup (by enemy)
by Leon23
What am I doing wrong?
Hey guys! I'm trying to make a deque in C++. According to dry run, my code is right and the function must first enter 10 from the right of the array, then 60 an...
[4 replies] Last: ok, back home... here you go with the example i provided.. #include... (by Codermik)
[Help Please] looping
Write your question here. hi there cplusplus comunity im new here and im having a problem with my cpp project im doing a simple grading system but i have a pr...
[2 replies] Last: thankyou for the answer sir ill try the cin and get back for some more... (by troyzkie)
Some mistake with creating .h Files
Hey Guys! I just wanted to tryout using header files recently and just can't figure out my error. I googled for mostly an hour and it seems so simple for eve...
[6 replies] Last: dang....what a trivial error. I should only use scope operators :: fo... (by Falke88)
Fractions calculator
Write your question here. #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include "test.h" using namespace std; int main() { int num1, num2, dom1, do...
[5 replies] Last: void reduceFracc(int &numerator, int &denominator) { int *pNum; in... (by Verance)
March 2014 Pages: 1... 4849505152... 79
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