Beginners - March 2014 (Page 35)

by Nimasa
want to create file/folder in a specific location
Hello I want to create a file or folder in a location that I want to specify it. But as I am a beginner, I can't please help me
[no replies]
struct problems
I'm supposed to be writting a program to calculate change using structs and functions. I cannot get this down. when I compile it i get this as the answer: -85...
[5 replies] Last: thanks alot that really helped. I also had the calculation wrong for t... (by orangemexican)
SDL2 memory overflow on minimize
i was writing a game in sdl2 (and lua 5.2 for modding). while i was trying to optimize the game i minimized the window, i saw the memory multiply in windows tas...
[9 replies] Last: Why don't you like posting your code? i hate to admit it but i'm no... (by herrybiscuit)
loops while
hello guys .. please can anyone help me in solving this problem .. *write a program that asks the user to input a sequence of character ending with the...
[2 replies] Last: I am guessing that you are asking us for a whole solution. So you do n... (by o0reyiz0o)
Text File as input to String Assignment IP (1,2)
I need help to use a text file as input to a string assignment #include <vector> #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include ...
[28 replies] Last: There is more of the Weblog.txt but it would be to much to post. I nee... (by mike1971)
by Emy Y
Greedy implementation not working as intended
Problem: For a given maximum weight and a given number of objects,each with their own value and weight,display the object number and percentage inserted in the...
[3 replies] Last: indentation <nolyc> indentation is optional whitespace. see also: !vo... (by ne555)
Simple file input problem
Hello C++ community, I'm confused with this piece of code, I am simply trying to input three lines from a text file and save them as strings. The first string ...
[3 replies] Last: gotcha, thanks ! (by chickens7)
File i/o help
I have a text file called number.txt and its containers are some numbers separated with a new line and spaces: number.txt 10 20 44 56 7 8 I have a ba...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much!! (by Stavrosfil)
Deleting contents frmo std::vector
I have a scenario where I need to delete the contents of an std::vector. // some code that populates std::vector. for( // Traverse through some list...
[2 replies] Last: Please use code tags when posting code. (by Catfish666)
C++ Sudoku using Backtracking/Recursion
My teacher wants us to make an NxN sudoku puzzle and solve it using random numbers from 1 to N. There can be no repeats in rows or column, everything else is f...
[2 replies] Last: Yeah, it's what we are learning in class, so he wants us to know how t... (by jessemcready)
C++ Shopping Cart
Hi guys! im having a hard time completing my program. im stuck with adding products only please help me thanks alot! here are the components: - Classes and ...
[5 replies] Last: our professor told us to make use of And so did I too. (Without even... (by keskiverto)
by Cassie
[10 replies] Last: It still question mark. But thanks a lot :) (by Cassie)
Understanding the comma seperator in loop
If you have something like this, do{ //stuff while(a, b, c, d > 100); So what exactly is happening here. Same for for loops something like...
[10 replies] Last: It is legal C++, and and it will run. However, the only condition whi... (by MikeyBoy)
Printing characters from array values
How would I get this to print out? Sorry, the ouput isn't showing up like it should! The amount of "=" in each column should equal the corresponding value in t...
[14 replies] Last: Never doubted you for a second, well done :) My whole point of my p... (by Codermik)
by Ch1156
How to separate words into different vectors
Ok so im trying to split words up into two different vectors, the words are on the same line separated by a space, and i just cant seem to figure it out. im loa...
[6 replies] Last: ok awesome i got it working, now what about whjat he said about the te... (by Ch1156)
by Legato
What are loops and when are they used?
Hi, I have a general idea of how loops are used, but i'm not really grasping the fundamental truth of what they are and when they would like to be used outsi...
[4 replies] Last: For loops are only useful because of the way you use them, you could r... (by LB)
Allegro display stats
so what i want is a program to display the stats of a character in a text based game. i am new to graphics and have a console text based game and it is mostly c...
[1 reply] : ok. haha sorry disregard this i figured it out. i was right with the w... (by Antone333)
Function problems
I've been at this for a couple hours and i know i'm making some pretty stupid mistakes. My brain feels numb i've been dinking around with this for so long. I'm ...
[6 replies] Last: So as I see it you are trying to use that function to read in data fro... (by Zhuge)
logic errors in fraction manipulation
Hello, I was assigned a program to write dealing with structs this week for homework. When I build the program, I don't get any syntax errors, but the program o...
[1 reply] : There are two problems with your reduce() function. 1) If the conditio... (by Daleth)
Probs w/
Problems with pausing program execution. I resolved on my own how to pause the program so I could see Hello World displayed. cout << "Press any key followed...
[3 replies] Last: Please, look at this sticky on how to hold the console: http://www.cpl... (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
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