by swrowe
I need help display the number of matching values of two arrays, help would be very much appreciated.
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by nkama
change value for 2d array from input file and write the changed value into output file
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[7 replies] Last: Thank you to y'all! It s of course of the line 65, because I am alloca... (by closed account jvqpDjzh)
C++ programs that deals with loops, I need major help!!!!!
[2 replies] Last: Then using a loop, that will perform 10 times If there's a set numb... (by wildblue)
by Kigali1
Problems with choice loop
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. I'm using the same code at several places throughout my pro... (by Kigali1)
by Bluebaron
Breaking out in loops
[1 reply] : I figured it out. For reference: I removed my "break;" statements a... (by Bluebaron)
by Cody0023
Deletings leaves with a certain value
[1 reply] : What happens if you change line 15 from if to else if ?... (by long double main)
by ATAndTruong
Problem Returning Calculated Value
[3 replies] Last: If you want the function to update values of variables declared in the... (by wildblue)
by Tulips725
Prime numbers below 25
[12 replies] Last: Think I got it...thanks for all the help! (by Tulips725)
by liz510019
String Code??
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much for your help! It's all squared away! (by liz510019)
by dayan1
Prime number function
[3 replies] Last: What i meant is that isprime(num) should loop through all numbers betw... (by ccsdude)
by ma72
passing function as a arguement
[2 replies] Last: ohh yes , though i had to read again and again, but i got it.Thank! I ... (by ma72)
by Retraction
while loop?
[3 replies] Last: userselection is assign "no" --> Is userselction "yes"? False, do n... (by Daleth)
by admkrk
Suggestions to improve code
[4 replies] Last: Thanks guys, It is a bit tricky having both the numbers and having th... (by admkrk)
by JrMiddo
[3 replies] Last: Sure, this is the identity encoding #include <string> #include <iostr... (by ne555)
by Tiawulf
overloading asignment operator
[1 reply] : const MyFloat &MyFloat::operator=(const char Number ) const explai... (by ne555)
by mikey108
Need help allowing only 2 attempts for user
[1 reply] : Use a loop: int tries = 2; while (tries--) { if user enters a yea... (by Duthomhas)
by Snagmon
Code Help Needed Variable initialization error
[3 replies] Last: Here's an example. (I generally try to use different variable names in... (by wildblue)
by JRimmer
Char Pointers and the Undeclared Identifer Error
[1 reply] : Update: I tried to run my code today and my complier no longer had tha... (by JRimmer)
by ddrake44
control structures, repetition:
[4 replies] Last: AbstractionAnon, Thanks for your suggestion. This was not in the desc... (by ddrake44)