Beginners - March 2014 (Page 21)

by slour
Sorted lists
Does anyone know a good tutorial to teach about sorted lists?
[1 reply] : That's a pretty broad topic, but would this help? http://www.cplusplus... (by Duthomhas)
by za6001
How do you read single characters
I have to write a program that checks to see if the password entered by the user follows the rules of having one digit, one uppercase letter, and one lowercase ...
[no replies]
by riyrtp
need help with void functions?
These are the questions Write a void function welcome() which when called will display the welcome message when the program starts. Write a void function he...
[no replies]
by phooh1
Employee Payrate Payroll
Ok I redid my code ad it runs but the answer is unreadable any thoughts I am trying to create a program that calculates a persons hourly wages by the hours w...
[9 replies] Last: that didn't work but good susegestion (by phooh1)
by jb1200
Function question basic
[no replies]
by jb1200
[8 replies] Last: Ok i got it using: while ((pow*2)<-num) { Thanks for the help! (by jb1200)
by CtEs
Trying to access protected member from a derived class.
Hi, I have declared an std list, set it as protected and am trying to use it in a derived class, code: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////...
[1 reply] : class foo{ protected: int value; }; class bar: public foo{ public: ... (by ne555)
Fraction Class hw assignment
I'm supposed to write a class Fraction 2 constructors: Fraction (); and Fraction (int numerator, int denominator); The second constructor will reduce t...
[9 replies] Last: To print the reduced simply call your reduce function before returning... (by giblit)
Help with Hmework Please :)
Here is my code so far. I am trying to write a function that will print the values of the functions lifeSmCups, med , large from the function cupsSold. I am u...
[7 replies] Last: So, the answer on how to pass the value to the print function was I di... (by tdenning)
2 Dimensional Array/ Random Walk Sim
I've been working on an assignment for my class and can't figure this one out. All I need is some help in figuring out how to display the number of times the sp...
[no replies]
Counting pairs of amicable numbers
I want to have a count for amicable numbers. For example, 220 and 284 is count = 1, 1184 and 1210 is count = 2, 2620 and 2924 is count = 3 and so on... So for t...
[no replies]
how could i edit a text file f stream
i have a assignment which sayswrite a c++ program that converts each charecter afteer a period '.' to an uppercase charecter heres what i've done and its just r...
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How to save files under the same directory?
Hi there, I am having problems understanding how to save files under the same directory for i/o programs. Can someone please explain to me how to save files ...
[3 replies] Last: If it is is the same directory as the program you can simply type the ... (by giblit)
REALLY new to C++ (and this site) & need help please!
Hi, so I'm taking computer programming in school and one of the assignments we have is really stumping me. We have to put a fraction in decimal form and mixed...
[5 replies] Last: More about the modulus operator ( % ). (by closed account EwCjE3v7)
by Amid
how to make bool var which is 1 be 0 after adding with 1??? #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ bool test=1; test+=1; co...
[4 replies] Last: If you're just wanting to flip a boolean, you can do: bool test = tru... (by NoXzema)
Misread the instructions
So, looking back to my homework here and I seem to have misread it--no wonder my work wasn't matching up with my given examples!. What I did in my lab was take ...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you for your tips and help! Everything you said makes complete s... (by sierranm)
Multiplication (1,2)
Can you guys find anything wrong with line 28? I'm trying to get it to do the math to find out what the answer is, but it keeps "failing" because answer always...
[23 replies] Last: The separate function no longer takes a parameter, so the function pro... (by wildblue)
From the list that i created. I'm trying to replace apple with banana and im trying to read the fifth element but i do not know how to approach. #include <i...
[no replies]
by kdeng
"expression must be a modifiable lvalue" in function
So the purpose of this is code is to sort 10 integers numbers entered by user which is stored in the array and then passed to the function to sort it and then r...
[2 replies] Last: Ok I fixed it by changing datasort to just a int and not a constant so... (by kdeng)
compiling error: expected primary expression
I am pretty new with c++, but I have a pretty decent grip on the basics (I think.) I cannot get the following code to compile (I'm only posting the section that...
[1 reply] : int main() { AList B; B.LinearSearch (element target, bool &found... (by keskiverto)
March 2014 Pages: 1... 1920212223... 79
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