Beginners - March 2013 (Page 87)

Strange Problem with Streams (wrong bytes read)
Hi, I have a very strange problem: When I try to read data from a file and print it byte by byte, I get some wrong values and some correct. For example the...
[6 replies] Last: @cire - You're right. I assumed the hex dump was showing the true ord... (by AbstractionAnon)
C++ If, If else Calcualtor Problem
Hi I have to write a program that takes 2 inputs to indicate the amount of gas used and then calculate how much that amount of gas would cost according to the c...
[3 replies] Last: setprecision(2) goes before the cout of total_cost. Perhaps someo... (by AbstractionAnon)
a way to isolate text (or numbers) from a txt-file
Hey peeps! Kinda new to c++ programming but here goes... I'm looking for a way (preferably using c++) to search through a large text-document, and isolate...
[1 reply] : I suppose the "proper" way would be regex, but Ive never used it: http... (by Lowest0ne)
help with this sort of problem i dont understand what they want
Write a brief piece of code (not a complete program) that displays the numbers 1 through n on a screen, with only 5 numbers per line. The numbers should be spac...
[1 reply] : You need to #include <iomanip> to use setw(int) int number; ... (by MROB)
Getting SFML to work with Code::Blocks
Hello every one. Like the title says I am trying to get SFML 1.6 to work with Code::Blocks. I have followed the tutorials on the SFML website but when ever I tr...
[12 replies] Last: I was able to solve the problem, Cire was right about the compiling. I... (by DJPuffNStuff)
One Dimensional Arrays (Highest Number)
Hey guys, I'm new to coding and I'm stumped on this last part of the code. I need to find the Largest/Smallest number in user input on rainfall amounts. #inc...
[6 replies] Last: Oops didn't see your reply atriumheart, Thank you so much guys. (by Barneszy)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 858687
  Archived months: [feb2013] [apr2013]

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