Beginners - March 2013 (Page 76)

by hvigil
How to copy a created sound into an array?
Ok , so I'm making a program mixer where the user can mix sounds. There is six original sounds that display to the user he can play them , delete them , and rev...
[1 reply] : Have you plugged your speakers in? (by jim80y)
getline function
hello, how do I use the getline function to count the number of characters (like the plus sign, minus sign, etc) in a txt file? would the following code be c...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks a lot <3 (by Kiwihead)
Program with command lines(Really close, please help)
I want to write a program that takes the number of tests, assignments, labs, and quizzes taken in a given class by command line arguments. The program will read...
[7 replies] Last: and sorry, my int main looks like this: int main(int argc, char *arg... (by bruntmjust)
Help with adding a list of variables, maybe a loop?
So I've got something like this: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int currentparagon; int desiredparagon; int par...
[1 reply] : Generally, when you have variables like x1, x2, x3,... you should turn... (by firedraco)
by be231
Input data file location for Microsoft Vis C++ 2010
I have experienced a change of location directory where data files must reside in MSVS2010 Express. Previously they had to be in the debug directory under the p...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you Lynx876 for your help. I went there and became even more con... (by be231)
Comparing an Answer Key with Test
Hi, I've been trying to figure out how to compare two strings and to output the amount of letters match and don't match and display which ones those were, like...
[3 replies] Last: Read this: Also be aware of the refe... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Amaiha
Class Average Calculator(Help!)
My assignment wants me to input scores via line command, but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to do that. #include<iostream> #include<cmath> #include<string> ...
[14 replies] Last: i += 2; must be inside the while loop. (by AbstractionAnon)
Stopping the program if the user inputs "end"?
I'm currently writing a calculator just for fun. I have a ton of variables that the user inputs so I don't want to write this: if(a==end || b==end || c==end...
[6 replies] Last: Its not just addition, its calculating area of shapes, subtraction, m... (by TheIdeasMan)
Structures Help
I am having trouble with structures in a battleship project. The instructor gave us a header file with all of the function prototypes we have to use and I am ha...
[3 replies] Last: Line 1. ship is a type. You need an argument name also. void i... (by AbstractionAnon)
by lmsmi1
DLL Not Found
Is there any way to not have to copy the DLL my C++ program uses (and is linked to) to the system32 folder? Why won't it run even when the DLL is right next to ...
[2 replies] Last: Visual Studio? Place the .dll file in the same folder as all your code... (by Lynx876)
by Amaiha
Arrays and Line Command Help!
How do I make this add up all the grades? For example, if you line command 2, you enter 2 grades, so I input 7 and 3, but I want to add them up to become 10, H...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks! I got it to work. :) (by Amaiha)
A little help with file I/O
For a basic c++ class I have to use a text file for input. I have the basic framework down but need help with a function call. The code for the function header ...
[2 replies] Last: got it working! thanks. Turns out i already had that but forgot the fu... (by Xilonian)
program help, please?
I need help finishing this program for my c++ class. I need a program that asks the user for a series of integers one at a time. When the user enters the integ...
[2 replies] Last: Here is a tip on spacing to make it very easy to read: Notice the spac... (by Xilonian)
Where to look?
I want to create a search function doing the following: (example) 1 Search menu Search for: Ander| Result Andersen J. Andersen N. Andersson H. ...
[3 replies] Last: Dont know what the windows pdcurses is but a quick example would be gr... (by Hashimatsu)
global variables
In this code, I have defined the five score variables before anything else, and yet, the variables always remain zero. What am I doing wrong that is preventing ...
[1 reply] : switch (count){ case 1: test=score1; break; ... (by K0T4K0t4)
by Andy B
Comparing Input Question
I'm writing some basic code for a Sales Tax Calculator to help me learn more about C++. I have it completed, but I'm trying to add more features and things into...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks! (by Andy B)
check if text box is integer
Im righting a program and i have a button that when i push, i want it to check the value's of a couple of boxes then store the values in a notpad document. but ...
[2 replies] Last: im using VS 2010's windows forms application. I couldnt find a propert... (by nathansmith72)
If-not statement?
I am writing a basic calculator for fun, and I am on to geometry. Here is my shape section. cout << "You need to find the area of a square, a rectangle, a t...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys :) I went with CodingKid's method, worked like a charm. (by ostrichparty101)
Need answers for review tests
If you guys can answer one or two questions i will be so happy. 1. (9 points) Given the following variable declarations and assignments, what do the followin...
[1 reply] : We don't outright give answers to questions, especially ones that appe... (by CodingKid)
get the amount of decimals of a number.
Hello i have a program in which a user inputs a decimal number and then my program should tell how many numbers are behind the coma. so for example if the user ...
[3 replies] Last: double x = 23.1111; x -= (int)x; int y = 0; for(;x-(int)x > 0 + 1e-... (by IndieExe)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 7475767778... 87
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