by cmmf
logical problem
[6 replies] Last: Oh, that's right. There were so many comparisons that i haven't notice... (by cmmf)
by creepycole1
[Help... Please :(] Need an online teacher.
[2 replies] Last: This site has good videos with all the languages. And its pretty easy ... (by closed account z8q4izwU)
by chazzerg
Labyrinth game in text
[no replies]
by Flashbond
How to define multiple if conditions?
[3 replies] Last: Ok guys, length is the number of digits, ain't it? Edit: Yes, I tried... (by Flashbond)
tetris game |
[1 reply] : Don't use the console, learn how to use a graphics library like SFML o... (by LB)
by Ardeshir81
How to pass a 2-dimensional array to a function?
[4 replies] Last: int** Table is not a two-dimensional array. It is a pointer to pointe... (by vlad from moscow)
delete[] operator issue |
[11 replies] Last: Wow. Apologies for your efforts, coder777! I just reread that second p... (by AmbitiousCoder)
by albanick
Restart the program
[1 reply] : loops, if/else and functions (by Darkmaster)
by wi3ik
C/C++ parsers
[1 reply] : Maybe you are referring to strtok() (by Chervil)
by abzksm
please I need help Quickly
[8 replies] Last: #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main () { double a,e,r... (by abzksm)
by krutuk
Need an advise
[1 reply] : The real answer depends on exactly what it is you are doing, but gener... (by ausairman)
by joeydal
While loop with sentinel
[4 replies] Last: It won't run infinite. When the user input's -999 the program will te... (by mausy131)
by melisozyurt
where is the error? pleasee
[2 replies] Last: thank youu very much :) (by melisozyurt)
by bigapples
*Flip For Loop Output
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much!! (by bigapples)
by ausairman
Function declaration within a function
[3 replies] Last: Zhuge: I have to declare a function because it's a recursive call. A... (by ausairman)
for loop warnings, help request |
[4 replies] Last: Sorry guys. After getting a bite to eat, it gave me time to sit at the... (by AmbitiousCoder)
by ausairman
Which constructor is used during copying of a class?
[7 replies] Last: Ok that makes sense. Thanks. (by ausairman)
by odai
classes problem !
[16 replies] Last: yea thx the code is right now !! (by odai)
by daft science
Adding odd numbers in a line of input
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for all the help. I'm pretty sure I get it now and all my loop ... (by daft science)
by spencerxzx
Expected primary expression?
[6 replies] Last: Thanks! That helped a lot. (by spencerxzx)