Beginners - March 2013 (Page 75)

by cmmf
logical problem
So, I've just started to program in C++, and I inherited a program to continue its development. So, i have to read these file wich contains three columns. The d...
[6 replies] Last: Oh, that's right. There were so many comparisons that i haven't notice... (by cmmf)
[Help... Please :(] Need an online teacher.
Hey guys, I know nothing about c++ and have no teachers in my current school that know anything about it. But i want to learn this so bad that i almost scream w...
[2 replies] Last: This site has good videos with all the languages. And its pretty easy ... (by closed account z8q4izwU)
Labyrinth game in text
Hi everyone. I need some hint for this program. It should create a random labyrinth like this: ########################## ------------#####-######-# #-#-###---...
[no replies]
How to define multiple if conditions?
Hi guys! How to say: "if the length of an int more than 2 and the last digit is 5" Thanks a lot!
[3 replies] Last: Ok guys, length is the number of digits, ain't it? Edit: Yes, I tried... (by Flashbond)
tetris game
hi i'm trying to make the tetris game , but i don't know how can i make the pieces... i want to do this in visual stdio c++(console) who can help me !!
[1 reply] : Don't use the console, learn how to use a graphics library like SFML o... (by LB)
How to pass a 2-dimensional array to a function?
H!I There is a 2d array (foe example int** Table (allocated)) how can we pass it to a function? (it is not a 1-DIMENSION ARRAY (for example Table = new ...
[4 replies] Last: int** Table is not a two-dimensional array. It is a pointer to pointe... (by vlad from moscow)
delete[] operator issue
Hello all, I'm having some issues with my destructor and delete functions for my enemy array. This is an asteroids-like game. Same functionality. Enemies tic...
[11 replies] Last: Wow. Apologies for your efforts, coder777! I just reread that second p... (by AmbitiousCoder)
Restart the program
HI! I'm trying to make a 8-puzzle with c++ and i got the algorithm but i dont know how to restart the program, i dont want to make 100000 lines to solve the 8...
[1 reply] : loops, if/else and functions (by Darkmaster)
by wi3ik
C/C++ parsers
Hi, everyone. Maybe it looks little stupid, but I have one question. Maybe some one can help me: In C/C++ are some standart library with the parsers,...
[1 reply] : Maybe you are referring to strtok() (by Chervil)
by abzksm
please I need help Quickly
A dark mage casted a black spell On the fountain of life.So,instead of producing the elixir of life,the fountain now produces the elixir of life and the dark po...
[8 replies] Last: #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main () { double a,e,r... (by abzksm)
by krutuk
Need an advise
Hi everybody! I need an advise. I have to make a program which will be manipulating with arrays of structures. What is better to use stl vector or stl list?
[1 reply] : The real answer depends on exactly what it is you are doing, but gener... (by ausairman)
While loop with sentinel
I need the program to end when -999 is inputted. I have the program written but am having trouble with the "while" loop with sentinel. The program also does not...
[4 replies] Last: It won't run infinite. When the user input's -999 the program will te... (by mausy131)
where is the error? pleasee
. Construct a C++ code that finds and prints the value of SUM by using following series. SUM = 40*40-38*38+36*36.......+4*4-2*2 #include<iostream> usin...
[2 replies] Last: thank youu very much :) (by melisozyurt)
*Flip For Loop Output
I'm back again, thanks for the help last time cplusplus. This little code has me stumped. int i,j,n=0,odd_number; cout << "Enter only a Odd number: " <<e...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much!! (by bigapples)
Function declaration within a function
Ok I'm in a strange situation where I want to define a function within a function. I can of course define the function outside of the other function but this wi...
[3 replies] Last: Zhuge: I have to declare a function because it's a recursive call. A... (by ausairman)
for loop warnings, help request
Hi guys, I've got my code in progress. It compiles fine, runs fine, no problems whatsoever; however, when I compile it, it returns a warning: #incl...
[4 replies] Last: Sorry guys. After getting a bite to eat, it gave me time to sit at the... (by AmbitiousCoder)
Which constructor is used during copying of a class?
If I have a vector of classes, like this: std::vector<MyClass> vec; How do I know what constructor the compiler will use to copy the individual class in...
[7 replies] Last: Ok that makes sense. Thanks. (by ausairman)
by odai
classes problem !
hi , please who can tell me what is the wrong in this code !! they tell me school.exe has stopped working !! why ?! #include<iostream> #include<stri...
[16 replies] Last: yea thx the code is right now !! (by odai)
Adding odd numbers in a line of input
First time posting. Been lurking for a while though, you guys have helped me out immensely so far though! Thanks :D My question is about taking a line of inpu...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for all the help. I'm pretty sure I get it now and all my loop ... (by daft science)
Expected primary expression?
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int currentparagon; int desiredparagon; int paragonxp; int difference; ...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks! That helped a lot. (by spencerxzx)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 7374757677... 87
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