by rsdivekar
i'm puzzled with this statement
[3 replies] Last: Ahh, I found a good reference on WHY: (by Stewbond)
by cmiller9732
Need help with a program
[1 reply] : (by Stewbond)
Volume part of calculator not working |
[4 replies] Last: Figured it out! The rectangular prism was broken because a string can ... (by ostrichparty101)
by Billy George
Writing a class but having trouble
[3 replies] Last: It sure does! Private is great if you are doing internal calculations... (by Stewbond)
by gelatine
strange rounding problems...
[6 replies] Last: Ah ok! That makes sense. Check this out: (by Stewbond)
by geraldfe
Need help with loops
[1 reply] : Please do not double post: (by LB)
by Jmizz
String Subscript out of range!
[12 replies] Last: Two problems: 1) You need a comma after each row in your initialize... (by AbstractionAnon)
by bwilson1
C++ help for a beginner check writer
[5 replies] Last: Where do you ever use your class? (by jlb)
by Lazerah
Begginers Allegro Issue
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the assistance, I modified that little bit of code with all... (by Lazerah)
by TaytayB
Dynamic Array Issue
[2 replies] Last: In your for loop in the ShrinkArray() method, i is increasing to 'MaxA... (by Scorpic)
by Jake Jung
How do I get ride of comma in the beginning?
[5 replies] Last: No problem, a lot of problems seem easy after you've seen the solution... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by psalm62
Signed/unsigned int c++?
[10 replies] Last: @psalm62 you need to create a new BLANK project, not a Win32 COnsole a... (by LB)
by tjnapster555
compile c++ code in win 7 using turbo 3.0 syntax?
[5 replies] Last: guys i am studying now that's why we need to stick with old syntax i k... (by tjnapster555)
by lmsmi1
Read a tag and cout the value?
[no replies]
by MaryMary22
How can I delete numbers and decimals from an ansistring....
[11 replies] Last: Thanks again. It worked well... You are a star... (by Samirah)
by gmsd
Pass by value, reference woes
[4 replies] Last: Arguments and return values! int functionone(int initialSum) { i... (by Stewbond)
[3 replies] Last: alright, thanks guys (by closed account LN7oGNh0)
by Tasha38
[1 reply] : (by ResidentBiscuit)
by FaffyWaffle
Custom Functions Problem
[2 replies] Last: Thanks (by FaffyWaffle)
by usmiech
new in classes
[13 replies] Last: I did understand Chervil, thank you very much :) (by usmiech)