Beginners - March 2013 (Page 72)

function resolve meaning
Hi, I want to know that whats the meaning when we say function is statically/dynamically resolved. I actually want to know the meaning of function resolving....
[1 reply] : "A function is statically resolved" means that during compilation or l... (by vlad from moscow)
by hvigil
Echo Effect
Does anybody know how to make an echo effect for a wav file?
[1 reply] : This is easy: 1. Load your wave file into a buffer. 2. Take the first ... (by Stewbond)
error c4715? function not return a value for all functions?
this is the program seems to run fine but get that error need to fix asap? #include <iostream> using std::cin; using std::cout; using std::endl; #...
[2 replies] Last: Hi, for your histogram function, u did not include the range from 50 t... (by osgwsy)
what is error of this code please correct erroe and find solution
#include<iostream.h> //#include<conio> #include<string.h> //using namespace std; class television { public: int model; int price; int size; int th...
[1 reply] : 1. <iostream.h> doesn't exist on any modern compilers, use <iostream> ... (by Stewbond)
by ace55
loop error problem PLEASE help :)
Write a program that will compute the average of a set of decimal numbers provided by the user. The program will ask the user to enter numbers one at a time. Th...
[2 replies] Last: i initialized the sum to 0 and it made no difference it still freezes ... (by ace55)
C++ Subroutine Gamma Function
Hello, I am new to working in C++ and in order to become better acquainted with it I am working on a program that I have no idea how to start. I am trying to ...
[5 replies] Last: You're welcome. I got some useful review out of it too. (by closed account D80DSL3A)
Random number issue.
Ok. So its a simple program. What I want it to do is each time I run it have the "friendlyCave" be a randomly chosen number between 1 and 2. Then the "game" com...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks! :D I'm glad you corrected me. :) (by Tresky)
Error: expected constructor before '<' token
Hello all! Forgive me I am new so I'm not sure how to format posts. I'm doing a simple program to calculate the cost of a meal, tax, tip, and total and I've ...
[7 replies] Last: The code you posted compiles fine, stac101. (by Disch)
Please Help me with my C++ code :)
I very new to C++ and am almost done with a project I am working on but I just have two bugs that need to be corrected there is some kind of error in the break ...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks for the help! Correcting those issues made my program work! :) ... (by tanyacjones)
problem with IDE
I have downloaded codeblocks10.05 and installed it.When I open this I found the following error: An exception has been raised. The application encounte...
[no replies]
by Argos
Writing New Files
I am new to this site, but I have come here to browse several times for help on different things. Here is my question: I am trying to write a program to take d...
[1 reply] : As far as I know there are some OS specific commands you could utilize... (by Tresky)
hello im sure this error is plain as day i just cant seem to get the script to run.
here is the script im trying to change the hue of the text. using System; using Server; using Server.Gumps; using Server.Network; namespace Server { ...
[no replies]
Cant run program
please somebody help me about this code.this program consist of few error when i compile it on turbo c++. please give me executable program. #include<io...
[4 replies] Last: use google to find query (by krushna)
Password in console app (Help)
Hello dear programmers, well, I'm a beginner. I made a password for my program with a simple if condition, but I can't add the codes that let the user have the...
[6 replies] Last: Zereo That will only allow there to be a password determined by the ... (by Austin J)
Hey guys, I need help with this program I've been working on for the past hour. I'm trying to make it loop(with a sentinel value to end the program), and wh...
[12 replies] Last: No problem. Read that text book and use Google. Google is your best fr... (by Tresky)
[7 replies] Last: if there is a space between the numbers, then that shouldn't change a ... (by atriumheart)
File input counting lines/loop for validation
Hey everybody, i'm semi-new to c++ and have a assignment im working on for college and am having trouble with two things specifically. My assignment is this: ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much! Wow i completely missed the first one i don't kno... (by bondmonkeyj)
by Belyvr
Out put Help
Looking for some help I have 99% of the program figured out just trying to make it look pretty. When running a math function how do you get the output to come o...
[5 replies] Last: setprecision() has to go before you output total. cout<<"$"<<setpr... (by AbstractionAnon)
Should be easy fix but cant figure it out?
so i have to fix my histogram function to return 1 if there are no numbers in the parameter array and fix return for if the number of scores is greater than zer...
[no replies]
March 2013 Pages: 1... 7071727374... 87
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