cin.get... cin.ignore... why bother? |
[5 replies] Last: Well, I bet that helps an awful lot... Sorry for my previous confusion... (by TheBeardedQuack)
C++ Matrix |
[2 replies] Last: Random number generator: //random numbers: #include <iostream> #inc... (by mausy131)
by MMhawk607
using BFS to find shortest path.
[3 replies] Last: BFS doesn't really change from data type to data type since you are on... (by K0T4K0t4)
Generating Random black and white spaces repeating problem. |
[no replies]
by rcast
Scope question
[6 replies] Last: rcast, where's this list of programs you're going to be making? I'm bo... (by Lynx876)
by arashf
Problem in making mtrand work
[7 replies] Last: I found this helpful (by arashf)
by SB Onyx
Element Shifting
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys, that worked just fine. Seemed to be a stupid mistake on m... (by SB Onyx)
by odai
who can help me ^_^
[12 replies] Last: so !! , did you men i must put abject !! look my friend this is all ... (by odai)
by krutuk
Problem with output
[3 replies] Last: Can you explain deeper about "pure evil". What you're implementing ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Can someone help me spot my errors?
[5 replies] Last: Mailbox has no method of inbox(). (by Lynx876)
by chameleon
template dereference of an iterator
[2 replies] Last: I hope by "declspec" you mean "decltype", in which case it might have ... (by LB)
by vrakas
Shift operators
[2 replies] Last: The standard says this about the shift operators. ยง5.8/1 The beh... (by Peter87)
by LoopingBird
Fibonacci Sequence
[4 replies] Last: After this instruction cin >>n; there is a newline character remaini... (by Chervil)
by rcast
Tic Tac Toe - Finding the winner
[18 replies] Last: To be honest, I never knew about ( move + '0' ) until last night, when... (by Lynx876)
by kinkita
What did I do wrong?
[3 replies] Last: Please excuse my mistake. The language I'm trying to code in is c++ bu... (by kinkita)
by Shaikh Omar
Overloading operations
[2 replies] Last: What does mean this text "float Vector3::operator (int) <near match>"?... (by vlad from moscow)
by LoopingBird
Fibonacci code
[19 replies] Last: I now have this code #include <iostream> using namespace std; int mai... (by LoopingBird)
by Cman87
XSL Generation and BIFF format, how to do it..
[no replies]
by krutuk
vector initialization
[2 replies] Last: Thanks man, I understood. It works. (by krutuk)
by zero117
Unnecessary Figures
[7 replies] Last: Thank you all for your contributions and I appreciate all the input. (by zero117)