by jsmi2016
Cannot achieve correct output.
[no replies]
by WolfPack2013
Array subscripting to Pointers
[1 reply] : p is the same as *(p + i) if p is a pointer or an array and i ... (by Peter87)
by PinkLady
Need help looping
[2 replies] Last: Damn so that's what I was doing wrong... thanks Scorpic. (No I'm not m... (by closed account 3CXz8vqX)
by sheahunter1
Finding the min, max, average, median of an array set?
[2 replies] Last: Figures. I always over complicate this sort of thing. What about findi... (by sheahunter1)
by stadtbus30
invoke a function but the result confuses me
[2 replies] Last: After this statement cin>>c; , there is a newline character remaining... (by Chervil)
by IdivideBy0
Help factoring a section of a program to a function
[6 replies] Last: I was just looking for a quick and dirty way to answer my own question... (by IdivideBy0)
by miolde
i have to invert an array using recursive functions
[no replies]
by Jaimito
Swap of pointers in structure
[4 replies] Last: Tank you! I think I got it now... (by Jaimito)
by Lynx876
new - delete
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the info!! I hardly use new , but when I do, it's in a cla... (by Lynx876)
by boran
What's the problem ? I can't find
[2 replies] Last: Chervil, thanks for helping and suggestion.I got it. (by boran)
by Lynx876
For beginners of C++
[no replies]
by T4l0n
what should i change ?
[7 replies] Last: I'd leave the true and false alone in check. It's more confusing if t... (by AbstractionAnon)
by xanthian23
Moving from CString to string in C++ (1,2)
[34 replies] Last: When you said some things were a bit of overkill - did you mean the u... (by xanthian23)
by WolfPack2013
Printing pointer addresses
[2 replies] Last: Thanks go it! (by WolfPack2013)
by schittia
How to take input directly without specifying how many of them?
[5 replies] Last: Got it. Thank you for inputs. (by schittia)
by infinity42
Chemistry Empirical formula answer
[4 replies] Last: Yes good point. I'm trying something easier to begin with, going from... (by infinity42)
by cmiller9732
help with menus!
[1 reply] : Please use the code tags when you post code. On the right of where you... (by Lynx876)
by backslashx00
Scared to run this couple lines of coding
[7 replies] Last: Some people use it in a virus to make someone's computer slower and to... (by mausy131)
by ang1dust
Do - While loop
[10 replies] Last: AbstractionAnon I will in the future, Thanks. (by ang1dust)
by blakeb
Variable Initialization?
[4 replies] Last: O wow, I'm dumb. Thanks. (by blakeb)