Beginners - March 2013 (Page 69)

problem reading .txt files/ saving high scores
so i made a basic guessing game and i am trying to save the best scores. it is writing them into the text file fine and when i check the text file it has the co...
[2 replies] Last: never mind that fixed it. Thanks a ton i've been trying to figure this... (by koibeast)
Program creates object without my authorization
I want this to create an object and give me a menu, when I select 1, its supposed to create an other object from another class. But it creates both objects as s...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you and thanks a lot for the great explanation of the three rela... (by Hashimatsu)
Function Parameters to already finished code...?
So I finished up an assignment for school, but after speaking with my teacher about my assignment, he told me how my variables need to be passed through the fun...
[8 replies] Last: Glad you got it done. Actually, although you found this tricky, its a ... (by Chervil)
I need help writing a program for class online now.
// Assignment 4B.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv ) { return 0; ...
[7 replies] Last: We gave you everything you need even for the second problem you have. ... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
Help with my Code
Hey guys, I am having trouble with my class assignment. This is what I am supposed to do: To get full credit on this assignment you must use loops and decis...
[10 replies] Last: I don't wan't to give the whole anser you won't learn that way. Howeve... (by Yanson)
by Jace
What did I do wrong?
#include <iostream> #include <string> //here is the second directive to the compiler. char middlename; char lastname; int main() { using namespace::std; ...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks for all the help. I learned alot. Kudos to theideasman. (by Jace)
by Keyong
stuck / on string/search homework
Implement the following logic in C++, Use appropriate data types. Data types are represented as either numeric (num) or string. Submit your zipped file. star...
[no replies]
I need a program that will allow a user to enter the width,height,and hours taken to build a frame.I have the program working but I am getting the wrong answer ...
[1 reply] : This is not C or C++ code. However, if translated literally to C or ... (by AbstractionAnon)
help making a loop to reiterate menu choices?
so i wrote a program based on the perimeters of shapes and am having a hard time finding a way to write a loop. can someone help? #include <iostream> ...
[7 replies] Last: Your code has a switch - so does mine - put it there. Writing code is... (by TheIdeasMan)
simple question about the Binary search method
in a binary search method if my search key is not in the array will the program search the whole entire array until it realizes it does not exist?
[2 replies] Last: thank you (by ApacheOmega)
Casting Int to Float
Hi, I am trying to declare TestAvg as a int however, cast it as a float to show the decimal places. int ProgramOne, ProgramTwo, ProgramThree, ProgramFo...
[10 replies] Last: Do you want the fractional component or not? If not, then make it an ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by NewL
error define the pointer
Can somebody take a look the code. Please!!!!!! //Schedule.cpp #include <iostream> #include "Schedule.h" using namespace std; Schedule::Schedule(...
[2 replies] Last: Thank Scorpic. Here is my entire coide. I post it here because there ... (by NewL)
I need help with a program?
[6 replies] Last: @TheIdeasMan thanks anyways!! I can't... (by closed account EApGNwbp)
I need help writing code segment
[no replies]
Need help writing function
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by adrem7
Using goto within if statement
I want to write a bit of code with an operation within another. The piece I have looks like this: #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h...
[10 replies] Last: Does this error always mean a bracket issue?? Most likely. If you... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Matte
Missing files?
Hi, I'm trying to learn c++, especially input/output from the guide this website have so i have simply just copied the program and paste it to see it in action....
[3 replies] Last: Yes i'm running Visual studio. Thanks for the help! :) (by Matte)
splitting a string line read from a txt file
Hi, I need some help with my reading input code. First I open a file read from the user. The idea is to read until the end of the line, split that line afte...
[no replies]
Problem in bidimensional arrays
Hi, I have a problem in my program and the origin is that it won't do what I exactly said. I put 0 on every array cell thet atribute the number 1 on ONE cell bu...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, it solves the problem just doing int d ; :) (by spikeash20)
Cylinder Weight Function
Hey guys, I've been working on this for awhile now and I can't seem to get it right. I'm pretty sure I've got the formulas right to find the weight of t...
[9 replies] Last: I think your formula is wrong, it should be radius squared, not diamet... (by naraku9333)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 6768697071... 87
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