Beginners - March 2013 (Page 67)

i am having trouble with functions write a program that outputs inflation rates for two successive years and determines whether the inflation is increasi...
[4 replies] Last: Lol, you're in Prof. Ali class at Baruch aren't you. :) FYI I wouldn'... (by i4ndy)
Trouble writing to a .txt file
I have to write out to a text file using a for loop. The file is being created, but there is no data in the file when I open it. Here's what I've got (assumin...
[2 replies] Last: pfff derp. Thanks. (by gumbogogo)
Help on this project
I have this project due in an hour and needed some help if any of you can. I need it to accept input of any date in the form of MM/DD/YYYY, and convert it to: ...
[8 replies] Last: Sorry if you didn't get your project in on time, but is this good enou... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
Would classes be good for this?
I want to implement an item system into a text-based game, are classes suitable for this?
[12 replies] Last: Thanks guys, and L B, I'm still getting just standard c++ down, I did... (by Austin J)
by vokov
directory structure, makefiles, etc
Is there a book on C++ that discusses things like directory structure of larger projects, makefiles, etc. I know that a lot of this information can be learne...
[no replies]
Someone please help me with arrays!
I cannot get my head around arrays at all, ive tried and tried and nothing i try works. I need to let a user enter 10 RGB values that are stored in arrays and t...
[1 reply] : Example: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace s... (by Chervil)
Help with my code please (Revised)
I wrote this program but have a hard time implementing these instructions. I had it so messed up I took everything out. Please help and make me understand. I re...
[2 replies] Last: I just figured out how to make a code box :) im so happy cout << "H... (by activblur)
Float vs Double
I was wondering when would a float be used rather than a double? Isn't a double just a more precise version of a float? So besides for memory purposes why would...
[1 reply] : Sometimes a more precise answer is not required and some other thing t... (by jlb)
Correctly opening txt file and usage
Below i have attached my current project for class and it is compiling fine, it just won't open the txt file titled "in06.txt". I have created the txt file. I a...
[4 replies] Last: Where do you initialize count? Where do you initialize sum? (by jlb)
I don't know how to do the following problem
Complete the Pointer Program Complete the following program: Include the comments below with your code and use the variable names provided. Your output mus...
[8 replies] Last: I have completed the assignment and it compiles correctly, and the out... (by MikeD24)
Need a good c++ programmer
Hello, I first got started on c++ when my 7th grade Language Arts teacher started a 9 week project in which we could do anything we want. I chose programming. T...
[4 replies] Last: nvm problem solved! (by Reeceboy1299)
by rcast
Dungeon Crawl - A Few Issues...
I made the dungeon crawler game today, based off C++ beginner exercises. The program is modular and accept dynamic changes to the board size and trap count by c...
[10 replies] Last: np (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
How to refer to an object of another class?
I have just started OOP and I'm trying to make a user vs user Chess game. I've made classes for different pieces. I'm stuck at a point on making this pawn class...
[1 reply] : In case I'm unclear, the question I'm asking is basically how to check... (by Mustehssun)
C++11 book online for free
I have written a book on C++11 for true beginners. I really hope it will help people out there and this is more like an announcement. The book is not already fi...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you! You are always welcome! I really hope it helps (by Donanza)
by hvigil
Storing txt file into a string array.
Does anybody know how to store txt data into a string array? Im trying to store this into a string array of . text.txt sounds\\cde.wav sounds\\door.wa...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> int main( ... (by MrHutch)
function error?
Hey guys i am making a small finance calculator for practice , im attempting the use of functions but from my reading it looks like im doing it correctly but it...
[3 replies] Last: You're not using functions correctly. You should define them outside o... (by Computergeek01)
Molecular weight calculator
Hello!! i am a new comer to C++. Actually, I am so interested to make a won molecular weight calculator, but I dont know how to code it. can anyone plz, help m...
[1 reply] : This is actually VERY similar to a project that I have undertaken :D ... (by infinity42)
Scanning an array
Hey guys, new to c++. What I am trying to do is generate an array with random constituents (the number depicted by the user). While the array is filling, I want...
[9 replies] Last: ahh now i understand how to solve this someone beat me to it :/ its t... (by devonrevenge)
by dancks
Im trying to debug program with FILE output, nothing is happening?
Here's my problem: I am trying to get a port knocking program written in C (cd00r.c) to work on my linux debian server. The way its written it only quits if pca...
[no replies]
by rcast
Somethin simple for ya
I been programming all day and I'm failing to see why the code below wont ever exit loop, even if the user enters the correct character. char move = 'z'; w...
[10 replies] Last: OK (by greenleaf800073)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 6566676869... 87
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