Beginners - March 2013 (Page 66)

Help with function decomposition?
I have to write a five paragraph essay, explaining how I broke my program down, what would be good ideas to list in my essay??
[3 replies] Last: In that case: - initial requirements - determining which functions to... (by Stewbond)
Vector literal function pointers
Quite simple really; I want to define a literal vector of function pointers. Here's what I've got: void fun1 () {} void fun2 () {} void fun3 () {} typedef v...
[11 replies] Last: Oh no I didn't mean that, just that I'm yet to use an open source VS p... (by ausairman)
Dungeon hallway building tile map
I'm working on a basic dungeon generator right now. I have gotten it to build rooms and walls my problem lies with the tunnels connecting them. This is an exa...
[1 reply] : I think it boils down to the data structure you have. I would have a ... (by TheIdeasMan)
Help using cin for a vector of ints
I am trying to read in an unknown number of ints into a vector using cin. This is my code: cout << "Input heap sizes: " << endl; while( cin >> input ) ...
[2 replies] Last: while( cin >> input ) >> is an operator that returns the cin obje... (by Lowest0ne)
by cotro
Design question
I have a program like this: from the main function I create an instance from a certain kind, called TextManager. It calls a method, this one calls another one t...
[no replies]
Battleship Program
I am having trouble with the beginning of a battleship program. Here is the header file I must use for the program. All of the ships are just 1 space big. I am ...
[5 replies] Last: statement after if will execute only if logical statement evaluates ... (by MiiNiPaa)
How to "cout" this?
Hi guys , I am making an application just for fun 0_0 , and I have a little problem with it. The idea is to be able to run a "system" commands before the user i...
[3 replies] Last: Please post all of your code using [co de] tags and the errors. (by Zhuge)
by dinh9x
I need a help
I want to create a flowchart and solve this exercise, plz help Sales Bar Chart Write a program that asks the user to enter today s sales for ve stores. ...
[2 replies] Last: Actually, I do not understand this exercise, so I need an example for ... (by dinh9x)
Any ideas?
/*Cannot get code to function properly*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> void initialize_seat(char seat , char req_seat ); ...
[1 reply] : Use [co de] tags. What is it supposed to do? What is it actually do... (by Zhuge)
by shorxy
Please Help Me with This Program. It is Urgent
Hello good people. Please help me with this C++ program. It is an assignment and I need to submit it as soon as possible. 1. A university has 200 student ...
[7 replies] Last: cin >> count; is having the user input the value for count I thin... (by ADTR2012)
Question about functions?
For all programs with different functions do we always have to have the callback in the main function? I've heard some people say this but what would you guys s...
[1 reply] : Nope. You can call a function from the main() function, from another f... (by Tresky)
So my assignment is to find any phone number where the 4th # is even and the 5th is odd and when adding the last 6 digits the sum has to be 27. I think i've ...
[2 replies] Last: I don't understand. (by James Turnham)
by clarkd
Help Please
I need a little help with this PRG. First time it ask for it to move on to the next Generation. But doesn't ask second time. I did wrote using all Functions. So...
[no replies]
HELP!: Basic user Interface Program with methods
I keep getting an error message of: 1>------ Build started: Project: CIS247_WK1_Lab_Shorts, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>LINK : error LNK2001: unresolv...
[5 replies] Last: // Program Header // Program Name: Basic User Interface // Programmer... (by Icshorts)
need help asap plz
Write a void function named get_names that inputs names from the user and stores the names in a vector of strings. The vector of strings is passed as a referenc...
[2 replies] Last: this is what i have so far what should i do now plz help (by njabbour)
I need help asap plz
Write a void function named sort2 that takes two string parameters and sorts them, alphabetically. The function swaps the values of the string parameters if the...
[3 replies] Last: Your function has a return type of void, so you cannot return anything... (by cire)
Help please
I need this program to work so that I can enter decimals instead of whole numbers. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Can someone please help? #include <ios...
[3 replies] Last: Wow. Now I feel dumb. Thank you! (by H3avenlySoul)
I have no Idea how to do this and need help! First I must create this: 1. Read a text file and store the words into an array. You can assume that the array co...
[8 replies] Last: Yes but I want help with that problem not people telling me that im n... (by cire)
Multi array with different data types
Is there a way of doing something simular to this? code: #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> using namespace std; int main() { // sr...
[8 replies] Last: You could pass an index to the create function and operate on the acco... (by MrHutch)
I'm stuck on a little issue that is most likely right in my face, yet I am oblivious. I'm working on a "Numerical to Letter Grade Converter" for practicing pu...
[3 replies] Last: Lots of ways to fix it, you could get user input and then check if it'... (by sysopfb)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 6465666768... 87
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