by afdelgado7
C1075 Error
[1 reply] : YOu have 9 opening brackets and 8 closing. Figure the rest. (by MiiNiPaa)
by tummytums
Array help
[1 reply] : const int NbLetters = 'Z' - 'A' + 1; // It'll be 26 int CharCount =... (by Stewbond)
by thephantom
file stream errors
[9 replies] Last: The code you posted should work perfectly fine and it should not be sk... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
by sirjames2004
Fun with Structs
[6 replies] Last: That seemed to have done the trick. Thank you much, and a big thanks t... (by sirjames2004)
by Austin J
OpenGL Download/Setup?
[no replies]
by opProgrammer
drawRectangle() ISSUE!
[3 replies] Last: I would really appreciate any help or just a point into right directio... (by opProgrammer)
by Jessica7695
Write indefinite loop inside of input and switch functions?
[2 replies] Last: Like I said, I'm strictly a beginner, I was just relaying my instructo... (by Jessica7695)
by The Wizard
Random Variable
[4 replies] Last: It works now. Thanks. (by The Wizard)
array programs |
[3 replies] Last: I tried the second code, but I'm not sure if this is right, I keep get... (by closed account oj87ko23)
Trouble with inputing a data file into a class |
[8 replies] Last: Are you unfamiliar with the term "indentation?" The error it shows w... (by cire)
by max utley
Help me swap values using pointers
[2 replies] Last: Ok thank you that it explains it. (by max utley)
by klaus2013
[6 replies] Last: No, it can't. void denotes that the function won't return a value.... (by MrHutch)
by Christa912
Problem creating a linked list?
[no replies]
by Julioboltio
Problem with Dev-c++ for windows 8
[no replies]
by ebonygeek45
private string setters and getters
[18 replies] Last: Thank you Anon!! I actually searched around and found little informat... (by Lynx876)
by blakeb
String error?
[2 replies] Last: I would change your string variable to a char. I believe that a statem... (by Yanson)
by Atokensis
Requesting a review
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! That makes perfect sense. All I was doing before was increa... (by Atokensis)
by Retrokin
SDL Surface
[3 replies] Last: Indeed it is much to do with the way things are passed around. Note S... (by closed account 3CXz8vqX)
by frankowzki
private objects
[6 replies] Last: Thankyou, i fixed didnt realise that i was compiling with gcc instead ... (by frankowzki)