Beginners - March 2013 (Page 63)

C1075 Error
I'm trying to compile a CHUMP program and keep getting this error message 1>CHUMP_Quality_Control_Program.cpp(22): fatal error C1075: end of file found befor...
[1 reply] : YOu have 9 opening brackets and 8 closing. Figure the rest. (by MiiNiPaa)
Array help
I am generating random characters (A-Z) and I am trying to figure out how to count the amount of times each character appears. I believe what I need to do is pu...
[1 reply] : const int NbLetters = 'Z' - 'A' + 1; // It'll be 26 int CharCount =... (by Stewbond)
file stream errors
For this portion of my code: void openFiles(ifstream& fileIn, ofstream& fileOut, string cityName) { string dataFile; cout << "Please enter the pathway...
[9 replies] Last: The code you posted should work perfectly fine and it should not be sk... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
Fun with Structs
Hey guys it's me again, with another fun assignment from my instructor. Although this time, I can actually make my own functions. I can change the prototypes to...
[6 replies] Last: That seemed to have done the trick. Thank you much, and a big thanks t... (by sirjames2004)
OpenGL Download/Setup?
I have the latest drivers for my video card. Now I'm trying to find a decent tutorial on how to set it up with code:blocks or Visual Studio 2010. However all th...
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drawRectangle() ISSUE!
Hello, before I explain my problem I just wanted to say that I am quiet new to the programming. I'll be quick and just describe the problem really briefly, I...
[3 replies] Last: I would really appreciate any help or just a point into right directio... (by opProgrammer)
Write indefinite loop inside of input and switch functions?
I am a beginner student in javascript and html. I am supposed to use/write an indefinite loop allowing the user to keep inputting new values. inside this loop,...
[2 replies] Last: Like I said, I'm strictly a beginner, I was just relaying my instructo... (by Jessica7695)
Random Variable
I'm new to programming in C++ and I'm trying to figure out how to choose a random variable out of a selection of given variables. There were other posts I found...
[4 replies] Last: It works now. Thanks. (by The Wizard)
array programs
Need to write two programs and pretty lost. Been home sick for the past week due to eating seafood (stomach flu) missed lecture on arrays, and the book isn't mu...
[3 replies] Last: I tried the second code, but I'm not sure if this is right, I keep get... (by closed account oj87ko23)
Trouble with inputing a data file into a class
I'm having a hard time doing this. I am supposed to be getting data from a data file and inputting it into a class named Person. I haven't been able to get this...
[8 replies] Last: Are you unfamiliar with the term "indentation?" The error it shows w... (by cire)
Help me swap values using pointers
So i'm reading my c++ book and it describes how to swap two values using pointers, it gives an example int temp = *p1; *p1 = *p2; *p2 = temp; I just hav...
[2 replies] Last: Ok thank you that it explains it. (by max utley)
Hello.. what is the pb here #include <iostream> using namespace std; void swap(int a, int b) { int t; t=a; a=b; b=t; cout << "x ="<< a <<" & ...
[6 replies] Last: No, it can't. void denotes that the function won't return a value.... (by MrHutch)
Problem creating a linked list?
So the actual text file that will be used with the program is a lot larger but for now I'm using a small 12 line .txt file. The program is supposed to be creati...
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Problem with Dev-c++ for windows 8
I have a windows 8 operating system and i also use Dev c++ as my compiler, but last time i tried to compile this algorithm it didnt output anything in the scree...
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private string setters and getters
In an effort to understand setter and getter better I did a tutorial on youtube. I don't think I missed anything but my code is not working and I thought I di...
[18 replies] Last: Thank you Anon!! I actually searched around and found little informat... (by Lynx876)
by blakeb
String error?
Hi, I have another issue with a sample excercise. Here is my code: string s; double op1, op2, sum, diff, product, div; sum = op1 + op2; diff = op1...
[2 replies] Last: I would change your string variable to a char. I believe that a statem... (by Yanson)
Requesting a review
Hello everyone, This is my second year of learning c++ in college. To be honest, all I would like is a review of this code. My professor prompted...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! That makes perfect sense. All I was doing before was increa... (by Atokensis)
SDL Surface
Why do you need to SDL_Surface* Surface , why can't you just use SDL_Surface . Isn't * a pointer? I just don't understand why you need the pointer and you c...
[3 replies] Last: Indeed it is much to do with the way things are passed around. Note S... (by closed account 3CXz8vqX)
private objects
Hello!, im trying to create a matrix of chars, but i get an error of "char object::mat ’ is private". i've 2 files one is "a.h" and the other "b.cpp" ...
[6 replies] Last: Thankyou, i fixed didnt realise that i was compiling with gcc instead ... (by frankowzki)
by imzack
Hello, I need to input data from a joystick to my computer. I want to do this with a C program and have my silicon labs board input the data and then do s...
[no replies]
March 2013 Pages: 1... 6162636465... 87
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