by Tariqsal
help me with solving this!!!!!!1
[4 replies] Last: Sigh well there you go OP you got your code to copy and paste. Also t... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
by T4l0n
can't do the hundreds
[2 replies] Last: Not that it matters all that much, but I'd use "\n" instead of endl an... (by closed account 2NywAqkS)
Building a Tree from an XML file in c++ |
[no replies]
by Minimacfox
NEED HELP! Connect 4 game
[no replies]
by alan bekker
exeption inside a constructor-please help!
[1 reply] : Catch a const char* instead. (by Peter87)
by hhous
Do-While Loop Problem
[2 replies] Last: Thanks kameswarib! I did have the table commands outside of the do-whi... (by hhous)
can someone help me with the spacing of the output? |
[2 replies] Last: I got it, but it's kind of messy... cout << "Weight\tHeight\tAge\t... (by nickelcarbonate)
by fluffy
Prototype and Parameters
[2 replies] Last: Sorry my bad, heres whatit looks like now: #include <time.h> #includ... (by fluffy)
by nelsonj1998
Strings homework trouble
[1 reply] : This code snip do { if (paragraph.find(searchPhrase,start... (by vlad from moscow)
by Tariqsal
Please help..
[2 replies] Last: Thankss man thank u very much (by Tariqsal)
by Fyah
Need help using #include <cmath> in C++?
[3 replies] Last: There are several points to consider here. If a value must always be a... (by Chervil)
How to find duplicates from an Array of Strings |
[3 replies] Last: for(int i = 0;i < 20; i++) { for(int j = i; j < 20; j++) { i... (by michael87)
by quest2learn
Having problems understanding looping
[3 replies] Last: Please be more specific. What kind of loops? You can post your source ... (by mausy131)
by Bolong Yu
Perfect numbers
[6 replies] Last: In sumDiv the for loop should be int i not s. (by naraku9333)
by binbk
help me...loop problem
[7 replies] Last: Every time the velocity increase to the max value then decrease, we h... (by Lowest0ne)
by frankowzki
Friendship classes
[4 replies] Last: so i have to pass an "object" by reference? or a "private member of a ... (by frankowzki)
by krutuk
sort alphabetically
[4 replies] Last: Thanks MiiNiPaa! It works (by krutuk)
by Auris 123
Need to write program ASAP
[3 replies] Last: Well, we don't do your homework for you here, sorry. (by CodingKid)
by surbhijain93
Error in execution of program...(operator overloaading)
[3 replies] Last: oh got it i have to use strcmp :) (by surbhijain93)
by sumoz
book for c++ gaming development
[2 replies] Last: I own that book and actually just started flipping through it last nig... (by Bugsplatter)