Beginners - March 2013 (Page 53)

Help understanding the switch() and how to fit it into a math generator.
I previously made a program that just generates two random numbers, and the user must add them together and they get a point. I got a loop to work so that it ma...
[4 replies] Last: What is the enum? In this case the enum (or enumeration) is just a w... (by cire)
ASM function in C
Hello! I want to create function that returns the position of an element found in an array. If the element isn't in that array, it will return -1. In C la...
[16 replies] Last: Taking your original find loop, I got the following with VS2010. ;... (by AbstractionAnon)
What's wrong here?
Something is wrong with this function, the change is always 0 no matter what. How can I fix this? ... else if(change = 0) { cout << name << ...
[1 reply] : Line 42 is an assignment. To compare use ==. (by maeriden)
Algorithmic Analysis, Help With Timer Class
Hi I am having trouble getting my timer class to properly output the correct duration of time. I have tried a lot of things and have not been able to get the pr...
[1 reply] : bump, going crazy any assistance would be greatly appreciated! (by busturdust)
Where to start
So, I want to learn C++ the right way, and by that I mean I don't want to just blindly dive right in, so I'd like some guidance so I can know where to start. ...
[9 replies] Last: I'm using this (and the C++ p... (by willf)
Would like some direction with Time of Day program
First off, Hi to everyone I am brand new on this forum. I was hoping some of you code geniuses might help a coding impaired individual like myself. I have to c...
[no replies]
Need Help With Assignment Due Today Almost Got it
Write a program that selects a secret random number between 0 and 99. Then it repeatedly asks the user to guess what the number is (until the guess it correctl...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot it worked!!!! (by mrtyson86)
did anyone know gelosia multiplication
hi. can you guys teach me some algo about it? about gelosia. or reference on it, i know how to do on paper . but it's hard for me to think on code sinc...
[2 replies] Last: @Yanson. did u see what i said just now? i know how to do on paper. b... (by Felicia123)
Need Help With Assignment Due Today
Write a program that selects a secret random number between 0 and 99. Then it repeatedly asks the user to guess what the number is (until the guess it correctl...
[3 replies] Last: ok im almost there i kinda got it but the program should end after i g... (by mrtyson86)
This may take your time || aww come onn ?
This is a question about my precious homework.. First I call Which function with the parameter "tomato" and with some other parameters.. void Which(param...
[7 replies] Last: The second part sort of was. To get the program to finish when the us... (by freddy92)
Error: expected primary-expression before ')' token
I am not sure why I am getting this error? Private data in this class is Card TheCards and int numCards. The below function I wrote as a member function. In...
[1 reply] : I think I just figured this out - I need to call setNumCards, not setC... (by badkaykay)
New help ASAP HW due today.
Here is the problem: "Write a program that asks the user to enter a number. Then it outputs the multiplication table for this number. Sp, e.g. if the user en...
[5 replies] Last: I got it Thanks!!! have another one which is a bit harder than this on... (by mrtyson86)
overloaded function is ambigious
I'm trying to code a template that will sort elements (whether int or double, etc). The sort somewhere calls a swap function to change the order so the elements...
[3 replies] Last: Also, why is your temp a pointer to T in the swap function? That feels... (by Zhuge)
by fx11
Next step ??
I have read and practiced through the C++ Language Tutorial of this site: Now I have a very basic knowledge of C++. My questi...
[2 replies] Last: Zereo thanks for your answers I feel so that I understand the very ba... (by fx11)
by willf
Sorting structs
In order to become familiar with structs, I'm trying to write a program that will input an unordered set of names of students in a class and their grade in that...
[no replies]
by Daleth
Initializing an array within a map container
Is there a method to initialize an array within a map container like this: //... map <string, double > Grade; // Grade["Bobby Jay"] = {67.8, 44.5, 20....
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the suggestion. Luckily, after updating my compiler, //.... (by Daleth)
Adding values to an existing array
Hi, I'm creating a program that requires values to be added to a existing array. eg. The user initially creates a array that holds 6 strings, then decides to a...
[1 reply] : Best way is to use dinamically sized container as std::vector : http:... (by MiiNiPaa)
getting a seg fault, first time with classes and pointers
my code is seg faulting and im not sure whats causing it. i thought it was the pointers not being deleted but i think i did that correctly. my header ...
[8 replies] Last: and thank you so much for that fix :) i was trying to delete them all ... (by Sean Kemper)
by lmsmi1
XML Parsing
I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can't find a thread similar to this one. Say I have an XML file with: <config name="Website"> <address>http://...
[6 replies] Last: Well since it seems so hard to parse XML, what would be a better langu... (by lmsmi1)
by willf
Problem with switch
Hi guys, This is my first post here... and my first (non-hello world) program of any kind. I'm rushed to learn C++ as physics grad school might be on the hor...
[3 replies] Last: If the user enters "nksw" and a char is expected, it will just take th... (by TheIdeasMan)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 5152535455... 87
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