Beginners - March 2013 (Page 50)

by Daleth
Virtual Inheritance and Destructors
When a derived class inherits from its base class virtually, does the destructor of the base class still have to be virtual? How about if the base class is made...
[4 replies] Last: Wow, those two articles are more concise and clear than ones I've look... (by Daleth)
C++ nested while loop triangles
You might have seen this in the other forum, but i just wanted to see some other answers, since the ones that I have been receiving were not what I was hoping f...
[3 replies] Last: I'm sorry if this seems like a very simple question, but this is my fi... (by closed account 41U4izwU)
BMR calculator. Need help. again
1. Write a C++ program to calculate Basal Metabolic Rate and total calorie needs. Use the Harris Benedict equation to calculate calorie needs. 2. The program mu...
[2 replies] Last: Hail the epicness: #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <i... (by greenleaf800073)
by fluffy
Ok, so i had some help with this dice game but it is not compling and I would also like some assistance in rewriting it without the arrays in a more of a beginn...
[1 reply] : i'm a little confused, I see some java mixed in with c++ . These state... (by Yanson)
by fluffy
Dice Roller Problem
Im not sure what is wrong with this. its suppose to give 7 random numbers of a dice roll. #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; ...
[5 replies] Last: Start by studying these tutorials: (by jlb)
by abry
Insertion Sort
Well, I was trying to do some sorting with random integer values in an array and thankfully I have made it to work. The problem now is in this pic: http://o...
[1 reply] : var That would be accessing outside array bounds. Will lead to une... (by MiiNiPaa)
input random numbers?
Writing a program to input numbers 1 to 100 randomly without repeating?
[3 replies] Last: Use srand(int(NULL)) to get the random numbers, vectors or array to st... (by rcast)
Printing address of a char with a pointer
Hey, why does this code return a set of really weird squigly characters as the address of a variable of type char? #include <iostream> #include <string> #...
[15 replies] Last: so it takes the address of the variable as a string, as oppose to just... (by joemolot)
class, array list, inserting from txt.file
Im tring to insert numbers from a txt file, search from a txt file and delete from a txt file. I'm having trouble to read from a text file that has x amount o...
[6 replies] Last: Only delete the numbers that are found in file3 from the list, which l... (by ShinAngel)
by brheat
Debug assertion failed
I am getting this error when trying to test my program: Debug assertion failed! Program C;\Windows\system32\msvcp110d.dll file: c\program files(x86)\micr...
[2 replies] Last: Damn, i feel stupid. Thank you. (by brheat)
Basic Restaurant Bill with OOP
Hi guys, am trying to learn c++... but this code is giving me a strange error.. ( name lookup of 'i' changed for ISO 'for' scoping [-fpermissive] ) can some o...
[6 replies] Last: I initialized cost=0 and its working fine. Actually today was my first... (by aprendiz)
can you help me with delete?
I really need to finish this ASAP but with all the codes running in my head i can't think properly, I've got more system to make for finals and this one's just ...
[no replies]
Need help with basic hw
Hey guys, this is my first post, but I've been lurking for a while. I'm working on the following problem: "Write a program that calculates the occupancy rat...
[7 replies] Last: Because C++ isn't as nice as other languages. When you declare a varia... (by ResidentBiscuit)
completely stuck on this array problem for c
Write a main program allows the user to enter three coefficients of a quadratic equation. The main program passes the coefficients to the function. Write the fu...
[5 replies] Last: Assignment doesn't say the function has to return anything to main. I... (by AbstractionAnon)
Friend Functions
Can someone explain to me what a friend function is used for? I am new to classes and I am confused of what a friend function is. So for example, what would thi...
[5 replies] Last: Yea you pretty much have it. (by ResidentBiscuit)
Implicit conversion trouble
Why aren't this codes the same? inline Fract operator+(const Fract& f1,const Fract& f2){ Fract rez; return rez.add(f1,f2); } //.... Fract Fract:...
[9 replies] Last: simplifying my code i realized that actually the one int const... (by Guzfraba)
Array question....please help
5. Write a loop that will initialize the values in a 100-element floating-point array named x with the square root of the element number. For example, element 2...
[4 replies] Last: I figured it out after you explained it, thank you! (by Jbenjamin25)
by nacho
help with a goto loop
I'm trying to write a program that creates a grid with set values filling each of the 4 outer edges, then fills in the other squares with the average value of t...
[8 replies] Last: Oh, thanks. (by nacho)
Help with get.line in my computing project
My project is to produce a working note program with a bit of additional functionality. So it is mostly file mangement and string manipulation and if I have...
[4 replies] Last: Wow you're fast. Thank you for all your help. Well I think I can mana... (by Jakey113G)
operate ints and doubles
Hey guys just a quick question - If i multiply an int with a double will if work out? For example will: int integer = 2; double decimal = 1.6; double res...
[6 replies] Last: @ Stewbond (by MiiNiPaa)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 4849505152... 87
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