Beginners - March 2013 (Page 47)

by ilija
Ilija's question board
I made this topic for all my questions so that I don't flood the forum.I will also post my solved things as source code. here is my new question I want to ma...
[14 replies] Last: I am learning and sure I will post new topics I plan to have a future ... (by ilija)
need help on these inputs guys, lost
Create a program in c++ that prompt user to enter in following order - A number of quarters - A number of nickels - A number of dimes - A number of pen...
[2 replies] Last: I do understand that you guys are here to push me in the right directi... (by Charliethrush)
Grid and averaging numbers help
Hey im taking an intro programming class and our last project is to make a 10x8 grid where the boxes on the outside four sides are given a constant number and a...
[9 replies] Last: That seems confusing but here is my project assignment. Ive been able ... (by Silverrain5055)
String to DWORD
I have string variable (0x7515A0FA). Is it possible to convert in DWORD?
[3 replies] Last: or a even shorter version ;p int main() { DWORD doubleWord; ... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
Console Tic-Tac-Toe help
Okay, so to start it off, I've just recently started getting into c++. I created this console tic-tac-toe program today to test myself, however, I probably made...
[no replies]
How to sum repeated consecutive characters in a string?
Hi all, im new to C++ programming. Im really confused with the logic behind this question. The problem is for an inputted string for instance: "YYNNYYYNYNYY"...
[3 replies] Last: > i was just wondering do you think it is feasible Of course, it is f... (by JLBorges)
errors with glut and glew
well im trying to do some practice code and im having a little bit of difficulty. my code is perfect (its from the interwebs approved by my prof) but my headers...
[5 replies] Last: if i omit <GL/glew.h> all together i get these errors 1>------ Build ... (by texasz71)
C++ Classes
Dear all, First of all, I am so happy to join this forum. I am a C++ beginner learner. I have learned the basics and still unable to understand some program...
[9 replies] Last: Thank you all for your replies. I will try to read all the suggested s... (by HeavyRain)
I need a little help getting started...
I was just put in a beginning programming class and don't know where to start with this current homework problem. Any help would be greatly appriciated. Prog...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you very much osgwsy, Yes I am very new to this but am starting ... (by rusty4118)
C++ while loops
Hi, i'm new to coding and i recently posted a question, but it still hasn't been resolved. I was hoping that someone can help me with the question. I really nee...
[4 replies] Last: If you are required to use nested while loops, use them. And try to ex... (by JLBorges)
I need the program to not take number less then 0
I need the program to bring up a error if you enter a number less then 0 this is my code below. #include "stdafx.h" using namespace System; #include <iost...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the help! (by Mathew Vanlaningham)
I am trying to write a simple, I use the word loosely lol, dungeon crawl game as described in a post on this forum. Dungeon Crawl Requires: variables,...
[3 replies] Last: The same monster being evaluated more than once was the issue. I fixed... (by sometimer)
by eabc
Email Address Validation
hi guys, i am wondering how to tackle this problem, please help. ***the most important thing is no string, array or break is allowed for this programmme. f...
[6 replies] Last: It says nothing about the use of continue; . Use a for-loop, one ite... (by Lynx876)
Another template problem
Hi guys, So i'm trying to make a class template and i have a couple of problems firstly is there anyway to pass an input from a user straight into a function...
[15 replies] Last: thank you so much tcs, i know my stupidity was probably annoying but t... (by Aalnius)
Save information from afile to an array of objects
Im not sure how to send the information from a file to an array of objects, this is what I have so far void displayAll(Houselist house , int num) { ifs...
[3 replies] Last: Ever heard of error checking? void displayAll(Houselist house , int ... (by cire)
by gladi
pow function error
Hi everyone, I am practice and I face one error about pow() this my code. Can you please explain why this happen? Thank you in advance. #include <iostr...
[10 replies] Last: Other than as an exercise, it's not usually a good idea to re-invent t... (by Chervil)
someone please help i got this probs while debug
1>main.obj : warning LNK4006: "struct sqlca sqlca" (?sqlca@@3U0@A) already defined in functions.obj; second definition ignored 1>functions.obj : error LNK2019:...
[no replies]
15-puzzle solve
can someone help me with the algorithm and code for 15-puzzle solver
[1 reply] : Sure we can but we need to see what you have so far. If you have code ... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
size the console window
Hey everyone I am looking for a function or a maner that sizes the console window thanks for reading
[5 replies] Last: @whitenite1 Oh my god I can't beleive I wrote that ,I meant Code::Bloc... (by closed account 28poGNh0)
by AJ87
Hi guys As a total amateur with programming I’ve started learning from ‘Herbert Schildt C++ A Beginner’s Guide’ and up till now I’ve been fine with...
[2 replies] Last: That's great, thanks for that, I think I get it now. (by AJ87)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 4546474849... 87
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