Beginners - March 2013 (Page 46)

Rounding Irrational Numbers
As a test of my knowledge, I'm making a program to write out the digits of Pi one by one, using algorithms. I have the algorithm I created, but I don't think I ...
[1 reply] : floats with setw() (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
by RoKr93
Generating a random office building
I'm trying to write a program that generates a randomized city scene (with respect to the color/height/width/placement of the buildings in it) and am currently ...
[no replies]
by bma
new and need help with class project
Hey guys,first time here and hoping to stick around. Im currently enrolled in my first semester and i have to build a program that asks for a section code from ...
[no replies]
Randomly select an integer from a vector that changes size
Hello, I am having a bit of trouble getting a Random value from a vector that is constantly changing sizes depending on the data that is inside, at first I thou...
[1 reply] : I figured it out... my solution was: int Random = std::rand() % vec... (by symon123)
by Fran
Jumble Word(Leaving end letters)
Hi I am trying to get the words given by the user to jumble and it is not working for me. What am I missing? Here's my code #include <algorithm> #includ...
[4 replies] Last: I'm having trouble not having it use the same number more than once; ... (by greenleaf800073)
.txt files
Hello, I am working on a input .txt file. I am getting all my information to come up, but just not in rows and columns like is should. Here is my program so fa...
[5 replies] Last: Well, I can think of a couple of different ways to handle that data. T... (by Chervil)
by cadobe
Can somebody give a guidance for this code please? I had an error at line 19 and I have no idea how to fix it. #include <iostream> using namespace std; ...
[4 replies] Last: What I suggested was not "cheating". The code as posted was not correc... (by Chervil)
Need help with random number arrays
okay so im trying to finish this project for school and im having trouble here are the requirements 1.Write a program to generate 100 random numbers (rand() ...
[2 replies] Last: Here you go: #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <iostrea... (by greenleaf800073)
String. Replace. Translit problem (from Russian to English)
Hi, need your help. I have a program that translit text from Russian language to English. Examlpe: Russian "Привет" English "Privet" The problem is ...
[1 reply] : You probably need to use the std::wstring class to properly handle you... (by jlb)
this program doen't depug need help
This program doen't depug need help Need help debugging #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { char yn = 'y'; wh...
[3 replies] Last: For now I will give you this framework to work off of. I just threw it... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
HELP! Struct that stores coins and calculates change
I need help in writing the function that makes change for an input number. Input a bunch of quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies, then in MAKE_CHANGE the amount pe...
[1 reply] : I see a few problems. 1) You have a bunch of variables declared a... (by AbstractionAnon)
Lab help
I need to write a C++ program, with a function called lastLargestIndex that takes as parameters an int array and its size and returns the index of the last ocur...
[6 replies] Last: ...write a C++ program... int main() { return 0; } ...with ... (by booradley60)
by mirec
object struggle
hi all I was wonderring how can I delete an object array. i tried delete b ; or something simillar to that but i can t get it to work.. please help. thx. :) ...
[2 replies] Last: ok thank you.. I hoped that i can remove it, but oh well.. i guess vec... (by mirec)
Input validation predicament
I'm currently working on a very simple program that takes in a students name, however many grades that student has, then averages the grades and outputs them. A...
[no replies]
by abzksm
anyone has an idea ?
i need to invert this using for loop ***** **** *** ** * to ***** ..**** ....*** ......** ........*
[4 replies] Last: yes sure (by abzksm)
executable not working properly
hello everyone, I need help. i made a console c++ program using dev c++. the program solves equation and output some coefficients in a text files. when i comp...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you for answering. the code is huge around 100 lines. :+D D... (by TheIdeasMan)
by fluffy
Game assignment Error
Why isnt it compiling? Its suppose to return 7 random numbers and how many times it was repeated #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace st...
[2 replies] Last: and you repeated things aren t correct either. it will print out exact... (by mirec)
by s1l3nt
Array problem
So lets say I have an array like string letters{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,h,j,k...etc}(no parentheses for ease of explaining problem) and I wanted the user to enter a l...
[1 reply] : Remember, characters are numbers, too. So we can do some arithmetic on... (by booradley60)
by Katt21
How to find the output of this nested loop
This input and output is from a textbook: for (row = 0; row < 3; row++) { for (star = 0; star < 20; star++) { cout << '*'; if (star == 10) ...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you so much! I understand now. (by Katt21)
For Loop Troubles
Hello, My instructor gave an assignment that goes like this: "Use a for loop to generate a table similar to the following table. The first row of the table sh...
[1 reply] : 3rd column: convert inches to mm and do ceil() 4th column: convert m... (by MiiNiPaa)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 4445464748... 87
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