Beginners - March 2013 (Page 45)

how to add ceil function to my value added tax need help tnx here is my program. #include<iostream> #include<time.h> #include<cmath> using namespace std; ...
[1 reply] : Maybe you can jut use ceil() function from <cmath> ? http://cpluspl... (by MiiNiPaa)
How to get a visual output?
For my A2 computing I'm trying to design a Simon rhythm memory game, and while the basics are fairly straightforward I'm really struggling with some aspects. Wh...
[no replies]
if in a while loop
Well just like the title sames I am having problems with a if statement in a while loop. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; string o...
[2 replies] Last: Well you say it like that it really makes me feel silly for missing so... (by Stormhawk)
Pointer assignment Error
Hi, Suppose this code snippet: class myClass { public: std::string* field1; std::string* field2; LONG64* id; std::string* field3;...
[14 replies] Last: Hi, The source code is just a snippet for educational purpose only. ... (by fercascue)
triangles & pythagorean
I really need help with my c++ I need to write 4 functions: 1. findRightTriangles 2. area 3. congruent 4. similar I think I might have done the findRig...
[3 replies] Last: Hi aquaturtle, I think understand what you want. Below is an example, ... (by osgwsy)
char * _first_switch_bit = (char *)first_switch_bit.c_str()
char * _first_switch_bit = (char *)first_switch_bit.c_str() WHat does tis code do? convert c_str into std::string?
[2 replies] Last: @MiiNiPaa Thanks.Okay.Will try to make it a better code.Coz currently... (by jaden5165)
dequeue class implementation
i am trying to make a Deque class....the problem i am facing is that it is not inserting elements in the queue.... here is the code // deque assng2.cpp : D...
[4 replies] Last: does this really effect if i change the data type... ? i mean the pr... (by Aqeel Abbas)
Functions & Ulam Sequence
Hello all, I have an assignment to write a program, here are the instructions: **Write a program w/ 2 functions, one to ask the user to enter an integer...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much!! (by elv5022)
Turn VERTICAL letters HORIZONTAL (for loop problem)
Hi everyone! Well, this is what I have, I wrote the code using arrays to form the over-sized letters, but they display vertically when I want them to display...
[4 replies] Last: If you don't want to fiddle with your output console, you could put it... (by booradley60)
by Fran
Jumbling words in a sentence
Hi, I have a program that can jumble one word while keeping the beginning and end characters. How do I do that to an entire sentence an entire sentence. For exa...
[2 replies] Last: Very little testing on the following code, so beware, but hopefully it... (by cire)
function that takes coins away from a change amount
I have completed the rest of my code but I cant make a function that allows an input value CHANGE, to be calculated in coins. Example: input 184 cents to make...
[3 replies] Last: Sorry, thank you. I've been trying to do this for a while thats why I ... (by sh129951)
question with classes
in this program i have a class set up to gather a craigslist style post from a user and save all the information to different arrays within the class (which is ...
[10 replies] Last: I hate examples that use names that don't really feel like they mean a... (by booradley60)
converting project code to MFC
Hey guys, i'm working on a project for school where I have to make a GUI for a text based adventure game that was a previous project. I am trying to create an i...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much! I don't understand that at all but it works! (by tmorlan)
calendar algrothim
hey, i was suppose that (day)1/(month)1/(year)1 it was satrday,and counter =0; for(int i=1;i<year;i++){ if year is leap conter+=2; else counter++; } counter %=...
[4 replies] Last: what greenleaf800073 said, you should post the algorithm (by Arbondawn)
Help with C++ programming?
So i have an assignment of asking the user for five positive integers and then declaring the max, min, geometric mean, and the arithmetic mean of the user's num...
[1 reply] : Hi safatchowdhury, it will be good if you put your code in between the... (by osgwsy)
Quick question on arguments
I have a question that asks me why does the order of arguments matter? I have looked and looked but I can't seem to find it. Any help would be great.
[6 replies] Last: sure! np. (by Arbondawn)
Right triangle output problems
Hey guys/gals, I could use some help in finishing my code I need to be able to input whatever numbers to get a right triangle and also numbers that will show it...
[2 replies] Last: Hi rusty4118, I need to clarify something. The aim of this program is ... (by osgwsy)
Overloading << operator
Having trouble overloading the << operator while working on a project. I made a pretty simple class to test it separately. It links fine however the program kee...
[4 replies] Last: @OP It looked to me like you were using the overload on line 22 to cal... (by Thumper)
Pointer Syntax
What is the difference, if any, between int* i=0; and int *i=0; .
[8 replies] Last: Eh, well that's the only way I could get myself to understand it 3 yea... (by Thumper)
Two classes, one struct
Hey! I was hoping to get some help with classes and structs. I've already read the forums relating to my problem, and they've helped so far, but now I'm stuck. ...
[9 replies] Last: Ok, so after reading around I found that I'm supposed to declare the a... (by Arbondawn)
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