by angellus
[Question] What happens if you close the window (or there is a crash) with a ostream open?
[2 replies] Last: So, I should be safe then? Awesome. Thanks. (by angellus)
by regnar86
Array is not reading out anything after rand()
[1 reply] : do { suit = rand() % 4; face = rand() % 13; } wh... (by firedraco)
by catdance
object return type for a class template function
[3 replies] Last: You're right, there shouldn't be a const on there: template<class T>... (by firedraco)
by pdaniels0013
A little trouble with constructors...
[2 replies] Last: To expand on what ne555 is saying is that you should not put 'int' in ... (by jchundt)
by zmarchbank
Need help with a tic tac toe program (1,2)
[24 replies] Last: You aren't using the bool returned by playAgain(). You can do: bool... (by Lowest0ne)
by lavekyl
Determine the sum of the even numbers between 1 and n
[3 replies] Last: This should do the trick #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> usin... (by Xilonian)
by Godwin5174
[2 replies] Last: I need to convert this program to read from input file. I know how to ... (by Godwin5174)
by lavekyl
Need program to repeat, and end if 0 is entered
[1 reply] : Use a outer do loop. You also have the same code repeated twice which... (by binarybob350)
by Jace
Calculatron 2000
[1 reply] : int a; int b; char operation; int main() { cout << "Hello and wel... (by binarybob350)
by Xilonian
Having some trouble formatting output
[4 replies] Last: Got it to work! Thanks for the help. (by Xilonian)
by nlovett218
C++ Question
[no replies]
by jakeford
Don't know where to start..
[4 replies] Last: To turn that into a table, there are two changes needed to the design.... (by Chervil)
by who cares
C++ help - read/write to/from file
[3 replies] Last: do #include <fstream> to read ifstream File ("filename"); to write... (by greenleaf800073)
by audioace
How to find vowels WITHOUT using array
[6 replies] Last: Line 76, I suggest setting num1 to 0 before using it as an arguement i... (by Smac89)
by Beginner007
i need help whit my code
[no replies]
by spesh39
Finding Factors with a twist
[3 replies] Last: Thank you both. Got all working to how I need to for the assignment. ... (by spesh39)
by sn1kwah
error string subscript out of range- WHY???
[1 reply] : What line is the error occurring on? And please use [co de] tags.... (by Zhuge)
by ilija
help with moving
[7 replies] Last: Look at this: It is diff... (by Vidminas)
by PizzaBun
Program not starting, need some help.
[2 replies] Last: Wow I'm so bad at this. Thank you very much. I'll never make this mist... (by PizzaBun)
by Errol25
[7 replies] Last: Hah, thanks, I know. Everything works, you just have to add parenthese... (by Vidminas)