Beginners - March 2013 (Page 42)

How can i get an ofstream to output a string?
For a college project i am working on right now, we have to create a program that will take in characters from a text file and output it into an html file. So ...
[1 reply] : ofs << breaker; or ofs.write(breaker);//breaker should be char* typ... (by MiiNiPaa)
can i?
hi, i just wanna ask, can i ask a question about java coding? or only C++ here?
[2 replies] Last: thank you :) (by farahin93)
I Really Need Help (Car Class)
Exercise – Vehicle Class: Create a class Vehicle with the following private attributes:  Brand Name: should be a character array of size 20.  Transmi...
[7 replies] Last: I want the whole program also ! So does your instructor. ;) It is b... (by booradley60)
by greenz
C++ Primer (5th ed, Lippman, not Prata): Where can I find the source code for examples?
Hello. Where is it possible to find the source code of examples in that book? Exactly the 5th edition needed. I found some examples but they are from the 4th...
[1 reply] : -> Downloads (the URL is in th... (by Cubbi)
Porting Java to C++
Hi I'm trying to port this lines of Java code into C++. ArrayList grid = new ArrayList ; ... for (int a = 0; a <; a++) { for (int...
[no replies]
comparing two words
Hello everyone, I have been struggling with this one for days. It is my homework assignment and it is due tomorrow. I know I won't make it but I'm looking for s...
[5 replies] Last: 32 is ASCII code for space. You can avoid having to memorise the enti... (by Chervil)
Hi, I'm a really low skilled begginer. I'm tryng to write a code that getting a file name by keyboard open a file (.jpg, .mp3,.avi ...) with that name. I...
[6 replies] Last: your code is confusing... btw, why you don't using switch ?... (by chipp)
Queue - Slight problem
Hey, Im having a play around with making queues I have a problem though. While my code appears to successfully add elements but when I run the display function...
[3 replies] Last: So taking this further any clues how I could delete a specified elemen... (by jamessi88)
Help with Switch..
i want to write a C++ code using switch to ouput the equivalent ASCII value of digit/character entered by the user. Sample Run: enter a digit/character: 5 ...
[2 replies] Last: else if (ch>='a' /* ... */) x = 1; (by m4ster r0shi)
Need a help..
hello guys.. i wish u could help me with this program. Write a cplusplus programs that reads an integer as lng as they continue to be input in increasing order...
[6 replies] Last: thanks dude are a great man. Respect (by elmoro15)
by Deo
ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS!!! I’m struggling with this problem, can anyone help with me code this one in C++? So I’m calling the attention of the next Steve J...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry for that... actually I have started to code unfortunately I can... (by Deo)
cpp question
/// if I have a class as this one class myClass { public: const char *szBuffer; int szBufferLength; int i; }; int main() { myClass mc; mc.i = 25...
[1 reply] : Yes they will. (by MiiNiPaa)
Do not double-post.
[no replies]
by ynzon
need help with assignment please
doing an assignment where a program reads rainfall values for 12 months the program must calculate the total, average, least and greatest amounts. . I've com...
[17 replies] Last: // display largest month spelled out string largestMonth(double nums... (by vin)
MFC using pointers to change Dlg items
Hey guys i'm working on a MFC project for school, and i have to have to be able to access a picture control and a text box using pointers from inside another .c...
[6 replies] Last: nvm, figured it out... (by tmorlan)
template parameter!
using namespace std; # include <vector> using std::vector; class myClass { public : myClass(void); public : vector<string>VS...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot @Stewbond (by closed account 28poGNh0)
set console position
Hey everyone ,I have another question on console wnd I am looking now for a function or manner to set the position of the console for exemple I want the con...
[5 replies] Last: @Lynx876 You the man, thanks alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll... (by closed account 28poGNh0)
can anyone help me with this
Cindy uses the services of a brokerage firm to buy and sell stocks. The firm charges 1.5% service charges on the total amount for each transaction, buy or sel...
[3 replies] Last: please can anyone help me with this question (by joker255)
A small query - example code
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv ) { string front; string back; string text = "Always laugh when you can. It\'s cheap medicine."; // Add more statem...
[1 reply] : Why can't I just put it as: "Always laugh when you can. It's cheap m... (by cire)
Variable not Printing to Cout
Hi, LeafyCircuits here. Somewhere on these forums was a person trying to make a Caesar Encryption program, but was having trouble as to achieving that. Well, I...
[1 reply] : This code doesn't compile as is, so I'm not sure how you're running it... (by cire)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 4041424344... 87
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