by stdeez
help please!
[3 replies] Last: correct me if i'm wrong but shouldn't it be if(alive==true)? (by F1n4)
by Oria
public fields or properties?
[8 replies] Last: If your going to do that you might as well make the variable public. ... (by Oria)
by sajis997
linearize n-dimesionality
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int... (by Chervil)
by Raikueza
c++ programming, classes anf objects.
[4 replies] Last: Thank you very much Yanson. (by Raikueza)
by Minimacfox
Why is global variables bad?
[3 replies] Last: [quote=Minimacfox]" Why does people say it is bad practice and should ... (by closed account zb0S216C)
help me... |
[7 replies] Last: Which compiler do you use? Sometimes the "real" problem is not exactly... (by DOSMaster)
Terminology Question
[1 reply] : A range exception is an exception thrown by the STL's containers. Th... (by closed account zb0S216C)
by dathtom
'too few arguments to function' error
[7 replies] Last: @agnophilo I did but the answers were usually specific, like 'change ... (by dathtom)
by NoorySara
Problems with for and while
[no replies]
by hersheybar11
writing a function that subtracts from an array
[no replies]
Whenever I run any of my programs, I always receive "The system file cannot be specified" |
[2 replies] Last: You give no indication of what IDE/compiler you're using. If you c... (by AbstractionAnon)
by poziga
C - Get name from the string
[14 replies] Last: A simple fix for the compiler error is to use this, put 0.0 instead of... (by Chervil)
SFML Linking Error!!! |
[4 replies] Last: The file has been found, but this error comes up: 0x00000d. Can you... (by Disch)
by yhu420
operator+ problem
[2 replies] Last: Ok thank you very much! I did this mistake already but I corrected it,... (by yhu420)
Help Compiling |
[4 replies] Last: no match for 'operator<<' exactly what it says: you didn't provid... (by MiiNiPaa)
by kaaaylit
Error in linked lists
[2 replies] Last: What i did is that i changed the type of delete() to Node. Is that cor... (by kaaaylit)
by dathtom
expected ';' before 'endl'
[4 replies] Last: you have to put the greater than symbols either side of an output Th... (by Chervil)
by justin123
total commission
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> using nam... (by justin123)
by JohnSmith
Merge Sort doesn't work properly
[no replies]
by kamilfaheem
Double Linked List
[1 reply] : Pointer to an object of type Node object of type Node -... (by vlad from moscow)