Beginners - March 2013 (Page 38)

Program to find multiple of 5?
Hello! I'm very new c++ and I'm trying to create a program that will tell you whether the given input is a multiple of 5. From what I understand and have tried ...
[2 replies] Last: I ended up coming up with this! Thank you! #include <iostream> using... (by bajablast)
HELP WITH A _EmployeeClass_Program
I have been working on this employee class program that takes the first name, last, name, dependents, gender, and annual salary. for an eemployee1 and employee2...
[5 replies] Last: If the methods are in the class or outside I still get an error both ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Turnip
string to char placed into vector
Hey, so I have this project I have to do where I have to convert a txt file into an html file, and when there is a line return I need to insert a <br/> tag. I h...
[4 replies] Last: AH! Yes this is what I have been looking for! The method for line look... (by Turnip)
Collision for 2D scroller.
I need help creating collision for this simple 2D scroller in ActionScript. I want the collision to detect when the player hits a wall and makes the player stop...
[no replies]
by valek
My first attempt with cin and strings
So, I am currently messing around with "cin" and I'd like to be able to take input from users and properly display it back. To me this seemed simple enough but ...
[2 replies] Last: Oh man.. Such a silly mistake... Thanks for your help :) (by valek)
function to calculate array stats
Hello, I'm trying to write a function of the type void to show the smallest and highest element values of an array that's already been created dynamically. H...
[1 reply] : Sure use sort method: (by rcast)
by OddGuy
Program crashes if input is >307
I'm trying to create a program that generates a list of random ascii characters (a-z, A-Z). The list is to be determined by the input of the user. I capped the ...
[4 replies] Last: I'm just learning bout arrays and it's a new concept to me. The progra... (by OddGuy)
Battleship game question
I am writing a program for a project for my c++ class. Our instructor gave us code for the game and we have to add something to it. One thing we have to add is ...
[5 replies] Last: If you're getting "expected declaration", you probably have unmatched ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Katt21
For loop problem
for (x = 0; x < 20; x++) { for (y = 0; y < 30; y++) { if (y > 10) break; cout << '*' << endl; } } Since 10 is not greater than 10,...
[3 replies] Last: Welcome. Hope that helped. (by BinaryGeek)
by valek
Project recommendations?
What would you guys recommend as a project for someone who is new to C++ and new to programming in general. I have been following the fantastic tutorial loca...
[4 replies] Last: @Ispil - I think I'm going to try the deck of cards. That sounds like ... (by valek)
Array Help?
Basically I'm trying to filter out names from a text file. So the given text file would be in the format of -- Jim, Doe Jane,Deer Ronald, Mc Donald And t...
[2 replies] Last: Ok I figured it out thanks (by fakesummon)
Program won't allow imput?
I probably have no idea what I'm doing, since I have not taken a look at booleans or if's, but I tried it anyways! It won't allow imput, it just says all the li...
[1 reply] : You stated "using namespace std" inside of main(). Put it before main,... (by Ispil)
by Jace
Function issue
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include <cwchar> using namespace std; char response; FILE a; int main() { cout << "Would you like to pl...
[2 replies] Last: what? What about it? I tried to look stuff up on google but I couldn't... (by Jace)
by Exempt
Parsing data from a .txt file.
I'm building a Exp calculator for a game called Wurm Online. The game creates log files which I plan to use to track the exp, they are .txt files and look like ...
[7 replies] Last: Wow, this really is a pain in the butt. I've read that getline will on... (by Exempt)
eklavya's header file for coloring the console
The original article is here: I have slightly changed the code to make it tidier (shouldn't have any effect on pe...
[8 replies] Last: I have uploaded a new article: (by eklavya sharma 2)
Trying to to a database type prgram C++
So this is my beginning of a student database in C++. #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <string> using namespace std; /* Declaration of varia...
[5 replies] Last: You're absolutely welcome! :) Now why don't you mark this topic as so... (by Vidminas)
New to C++... where to begin?
Greetings, I have always been fascinated with programming, though I've never delved too far into it. I took some classes in high school, but other than that ...
[6 replies] Last: Jumping into C++ is a very hard beginner book. I am using it right now... (by Minimacfox)
by hvigil
Checking if a point is inside a rectangle
How do you check if a point is inside a rectangle? my upper left corner is _corner(10,10) and my width is 10 , and height : 20; This is my contains met...
[5 replies] Last: Ok thanks !! (by hvigil)
Creating a message with each value
I created a program to generate 3 random numbers, but I can't figure out to get a message to go with them. Being as they're random, do I set a message for 1,2, ...
[3 replies] Last: Okay, thank you. I really appreciate the replies. You were correct abo... (by anthonyxmarinaro)
Dynamic memory for class array
Having trouble figuring out how to allocate memory for a class array in C++. Look for the *****. This indicates the line I can't get to work. I included cl...
[4 replies] Last: Awesome! Thank you. So far this is working. I still have to do my lo... (by Brian Christensen)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 3637383940... 87
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