by guverdik
How fonts converted to the 12-digit integer
[no replies]
by tcan618
unsigned to signed integer
[1 reply] : It's because of how numbers are represented. Most computers use the Tw... (by Catfish3)
by regnar86
OOD (Object Oriented Design) Question
[3 replies] Last: If an instance of a class contains an instance of itself, then that in... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
by mae956
void function
[4 replies] Last: thank you so much.. i'll just revise it so that i can understand the ... (by mae956)
by jellytelly
[4 replies] Last: Let's say the input is 3. Here's how the call stack would unwind and g... (by booradley60)
by josephawad
Cannot get past input
[9 replies] Last: what resources(books, tuts?) did you use to learn C++? That's diffic... (by Chervil)
by nhojrazc
variables always not declared: so really confused!!
[2 replies] Last: thanks peter87!!!! my system finally run but something is wrong again ... (by nhojrazc)
by brethener
static libraries
[1 reply] : if you know exactly how the function are defined you can make your own... (by coder777)
by KatuXiK
While loop wont end
[4 replies] Last: You will find the default clause under "switch" in the control section... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Shaikh Omar
Copy Constructor
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much. That fixed the problem. (by Shaikh Omar)
String class to C string class |
[1 reply] : Okay I think I figured it out. I just erased all the "string" syntax, ... (by cometcaliente)
by rawrrrrr
Can't figure out what is wrong.
[2 replies] Last: In your averageScores() just replace the first if loop if (lo... (by vintho)
by jaden5165
vector <char *> all_file
[2 replies] Last: Or for ( auto iter = all_file.begin(); iter != all_file.end(); ++ite... (by Fransje)
by EdalatF
Multiple of two matrix...
[3 replies] Last: Just a minor thing: This makes a little more sense: cout << "Pleas... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Kb wireless
problem with mortgage formula
[2 replies] Last: @Ispil pow takes 2 arguments. @Kb wireless What is your problem? ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by fcoll
Help needed with a dictionary in c++.
[9 replies] Last: I'm having many problems removing the dots, commas, exclamation and i... (by cire)
by Turnip
filename to variable
[2 replies] Last: Great this will work I believe, however I realize I wasn't specific en... (by Turnip)
by Kevin Dadmun
unknown error
[1 reply] : Could you show us the code you're trying to compile? (by Ispil)
Absolute difference? C++ |
[1 reply] : ...for one you never call your diff function inside your main function... (by Ispil)
by brownie13x
Beginner in C++: Inputting data files, and arrays help?
[1 reply] : Shameless self bump. (by brownie13x)