by myme
file handling
[2 replies] Last: what should i do? (by myme)
by jsmi2016
I am having some compiling problems.
[2 replies] Last: Ok! Is a small error. In your void classify() function, at if(i==1)... (by osgwsy)
by FenixRising
Reading in a sentence and end loop
[6 replies] Last: Everything works! Thanks for the help Chervil. (by FenixRising)
by Paul Reed
How to assign value to member variable of BASE class
[6 replies] Last: Line 78 doesn't work because you need to go through an object to call ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by hejawi
Sand Clock with while
[4 replies] Last: thx my friend i didn't think clearly in it because i have three exam t... (by hejawi)
by JakOrp
string to char conversion
[11 replies] Last: This is what i came up with, vivre how would you do it? I defined a ... (by vivre)
by fluffy
cryptic message help
[no replies]
by valek
Number guessing game wont compile
[3 replies] Last: Thank you, removing the semicolon on line 9 fixed it. I can't believe ... (by valek)
by sometimer
Dungeon Crawl assignment (1,2)
[29 replies] Last: curses ncurses pdcurses (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
by DiJey
Deleting Rows
[12 replies] Last: Here you go #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib... (by greenleaf800073)
by INeedAHero
Initialize const member in a class
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for the response! But does it have to be in the .h file? My... (by INeedAHero)
by justasiam
List All Prime Numbers problem
[5 replies] Last: Discussed earlier today: (by booradley60)
by devodid
[10 replies] Last: while(getline(infile, x)) is indeed what's usually done in C++ t... (by Cubbi)
by CodingNewbie
Coding newbie looking to share his pain
[no replies]
by sakonpure6
For Loop explanation!
[2 replies] Last: oh great! much appreciated! (by sakonpure6)
by dejeckt
Need a little hint, or nudge in the right direction.
[3 replies] Last: for (int i=0, i<100&&check=true, i++) Look close. = is assignment =... (by Disch)
Importing data from a text file and doing something with it (Basic stuff) |
[2 replies] Last: getline() and atof() will work, but it's more complicated than nec... (by Chervil)
by banipal7
Linked List
[3 replies] Last: As a starting point, in a linked list, you define a Node with the data... (by xkcd83)
by PizzaBun
Got an error that
[3 replies] Last: and you cant have .float. you need 0.float (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
by PureEvil75
How to create simple c++ database on visual studio ?
[11 replies] Last: WOWOWO!!! hang on a minute.....I've created another prototype and It w... (by PureEvil75)