by azmizryk
evualation of postfix expression
[2 replies] Last: You can use a flag indicating if the last character was a number or sy... (by tfityo)
by Aksh
find if a given number is a factorial
[4 replies] Last: Thank you so much. It makes sense now. (by Aksh)
by devodid
[10 replies] Last: Are you using a debugger to step through the code line by line? If no... (by Chervil)
by lept0n
Minor Program Error - Online Compiler Help
[3 replies] Last: On-line compilers do not allow to enter values interactively. But the... (by vlad from moscow)
by PureEvil75
Maze Traversal
[no replies]
by Merriak
Binary Tree Program not acting as it should... (1,2)
[25 replies] Last: Looking at it again, the reason I thought it wouldn't work is wrong. ... (by Lowest0ne)
by Austin J
Filename Question
[3 replies] Last: Also note that with the current C++ standard you shouldn't need to use... (by jlb)
by monkeybutt
Function not recognizing the parameters
[16 replies] Last: So i guess the question should have been is there anyway to perform a... (by jlb)
by FaffyWaffle
Box Dimensions Functions Problem
[11 replies] Last: Still having problems with the DisplayData function as it doesn't wan... (by Chervil)
by khashastriya
binary tree with traversal! HELP!!
[no replies]
by Barneszy
Zip Code Program with Strings*URGENT*
[1 reply] : i think you need to use the substr function and do the length with the... (by IHateBarneszy)
by Akillioon
Fast plz! 'time' does not name a type but it's declared in a struct
[3 replies] Last: As for me it looks like a bug of the compiler. (by vlad from moscow)
by mikel823
C++ Tracing
[no replies]
by trikolad
Recursion inside For loop = program stuck
[8 replies] Last: Thank you very much! This conversation has been very helpful!! (by trikolad)
by mirec
string in swtich case
[12 replies] Last: thanks vlad... :) (by mirec)
by Umuieme
array of structure using new
[1 reply] : You shall not change the control variable i inside the body of the ... (by vlad from moscow)
by Felicia123
inFile & outFile small problem
[2 replies] Last: Also you can open your file in append mode: (by MiiNiPaa)
by justin123
help with payrate
[1 reply] : - If total grosspay is wrong, then you're keeping the running total in... (by thejman250)
by sharpn8909
Simple loop increment question please help!
[8 replies] Last: Also in the global done is declared as int, int done; So it is. ... (by cire)
by DWhyte
So... Can someone please help me out?
[1 reply] : If you are new to programming, start with an engine. CryEngine 3 is g... (by Stewbond)