Beginners - March 2013 (Page 33)

Help Needed Print out top 5 objects!
"Return an array of five strings holding the five most frequently sold stocks (by total volume, not just number of transactions) or top five buyers (by purchase...
[3 replies] Last: Yeah, that problem sure is a tricky one. Get more fabulous scarves? (by DrRusselloKane)
input in graphics.h?
Can the user interact during runtime? I want to give user an option to draw a box at a certain location. So the user presses some key and the box appears at tha...
[no replies]
by mirec
hi everyone i ve got another question. how can I find and then print out vector elements i am looking for. i figure it out with one element. like this st...
[8 replies] Last: If you want to implement searching, why use vectors? searching in a ve... (by xkcd83)
Changing memory stored in another application - Mac
Hello, I'm wondering how to make an application for BloonsTD5 that will allow me to change the memory address of how much $ I have. I know how the CheatEngin...
[1 reply] : anyone? (by ostrichparty101)
Highest Card Wins
Hey guys, I am working on an assignment that is using structures. Basically all I need to do is assign one card to the "player" and one card to the "computer"....
[1 reply] : Oh and by the way, I am not asking anyone to do this for me. Just when... (by Shadow1551)
by mhe33
Reading from FILES
char FILENAME ; ifstream SurveyFile; while (!SurveyFile.eof) { here I need a code to read from the file character by character...
[2 replies] Last: This sounds good, I needed to do some parsing and detect errors so I a... (by mhe33)
Battleship Lab Using Classes
I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to classes. I coded this lab using structures but classes has me stumped. If anyone can help, I can post my battlesh...
[no replies]
Growth and Rate w/ Loops
Hi all if anybody can help I'll appreciate it, I have to do a program for class with growth and loops. How many bunnies will i have after (blank) years, and the...
[6 replies] Last: thanks fg109 for your help, I appreciate it (by jayb480)
by fx11
How To Create Folders
I have a txt file. I can read the file line by line. BUT How can I create folders? I would like to create folders ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. It works. #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <di... (by fx11)
C++ Program to find string length
I wrote below program to find lenght of string...It works in the case only when i enter a string continous without any spaces between words example: Itiswonderf...
[7 replies] Last: string line; getline( cin, line ); cout << line.size() << endl; ... (by moorecm)
convert char to string
This may seem a very basic thing to do, but so far I can't achieve it. I need to convert a char array (effectively a char *) to a string to be able to read a f...
[15 replies] Last: There will now be quite a long pause while I read and digest the artic... (by norman1312)
homework help please please :)
Please help me with these questions!!! Im sooo lost B) i) Suppose that we have this program fragment which is supposed to get the product of the numbers ...
[no replies]
how to check precedency of operators using if condition???
how to check precedence of operators using if condition??? please help
[3 replies] Last: i want to check either the op1 has higher precedence than op2 or lower... (by azmizryk)
Help with object orientated program
Hello guys. My first post so I hope its ok. We've just got a brief introduction of OOP in c++ and were told to give this program a shot using the internet an...
[1 reply] : So what have you tried? What exactly don't you understand? (by jlb)
C++ Delete Confusion
In the sample code int* p_sample = new int; *p_sample = 10; delete p_sample; let say the pointer p_sample is pointing at memory 5400 Is it deleti...
[1 reply] : Delete just releases the memory back to the operating system. It doesn... (by jlb)
by nickul
Vector class problem
Program doesn't run with vector class matrix( typedef vector<unsigned int> row; typedef vector<row> matrix; matrix a(40000, row(40000)); ), but it does with nor...
[10 replies] Last: Nevermind, i need to rethink it anyway... Thanks for your help! (by nickul)
Prime or Not
I trying to create a program that tells you when a number (integer) is a prime number or not int integer, x; bool isPrime = true; whi...
[9 replies] Last: oh ok!!! thanks for the tips Chervil!!! ;) (by kosilva)
by yhu420
no match for call to
Hi everyone, I know this problem has been encountered thousands of times before, so I checked everywhere on the net but I still did not manage to solve this pr...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you so much fg109 I did like your first suggestion and it worked... (by yhu420)
College Homework Problem
Hey guys! I'm new to CPP, and coding in general. Any help is appreciated! I'm working on a project right now that involves DNA encoding. Using the following c...
[3 replies] Last: i would say that shower is the best place for ideas :) (by mirec)
Function Problem
I'm having trouble displaying my final function which displays my results. I am all out of ideas and any help would be great. #include<iostream> #include<i...
[5 replies] Last: Im totally not answering the question, but one thing, you'd better use... (by yhu420)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 3132333435... 87
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