Beginners - March 2013 (Page 30)

insert and print,linked list not working
I've been struggling trying to make a linked list where I insert numbers in the following order " 1 2 3 " and then print them out. how ever I do something wro...
[3 replies] Last: The problem is that p is not a nullptr when you call the function the ... (by Warnis)
Just made my first program, looking for advice!
Hi all! I started programming just yesterday and I decided to make a simple calculator, then add to it as I learn more. I've been reading guides and watching vi...
[7 replies] Last: sigh** Kind of tired of all the no goto talk when most of the people o... (by Stormhawk)
Max value is wrong cant find solution
Here is my code I can not find out way my max variable is wrong. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #define SIZE 5 int random(i...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you from helping me (by jesussegura)
by ngo93
Classes that contain instances of another class
We had to write a program for an assignment using classes to set different information for a boat and engine class. Well I wrote the program and I thought that ...
[4 replies] Last: This may help: // #i... (by fx11)
Help writing a date calculating code for existing code
Hello guys, I have created a code for the following: How many days until my next birthday? However, whenever I run the program and attempt to do the calculat...
[no replies]
says operator must return a value??? Help please..
// Chapter13_kabirh_CISP232.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <fstream> ...
[4 replies] Last: nevermind, it worked ok> thanks it compiles just fine. now (by who cares)
by fx11
string or char array - any diff.?
Is there any difference? string greeting = "Hello"; char greeting = "Hello"; Introduction to strings
[2 replies] Last: Stewbond It looks like C++ string has a lot of advantage over C. I'l... (by fx11)
visual studio fatal error
class distance {private: int f ; float i; public: distance():f(0),i(0.0) {} void get_list() { \\geting data from user } dist...
[6 replies] Last: it is "unexpected end of file" error please help me remove this (by student2341)
Number Guessing Game
Hi, I've been working on a little number guessing game, I started off by making it a number I have to guess then wanted to implement a function that interacts w...
[18 replies] Last: Here's the code I have related to generated numbers: int randGen(in... (by Fourc00h)
Why this for is infinite
i wrote this code: for(double x = 0.0; x != 1.0; x += 0.1) cout << x << endl; it was suppose to output the value from 0 to 1 but instead i got infinite loop....
[5 replies] Last: thanks Ikaron for the answer that helped. (by hitmanben2)
by mirec
msvcp100 or mfc100 dll
hi guys i have no idea what s this error message could possibly mean. the program can t start because MSVCP.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstal...
[3 replies] Last: Try reading this thread from this forum: (by rcast)
total commission is correct?
Here the code: #include<iostream> using namespace std; void sales_amount(); //void commission_percentage(); //void commission_total(); Am i wrong abou...
[4 replies] Last: how about for loop for sentinel value? (by justin123)
Please help fix
Whats wrong with this? #include <iostream> using namespace std; double get_coins(); double get_coins_value(); int main() { const double price = 3.50...
[4 replies] Last: You missing semicolon at the end of the 1st line. It can be written as... (by MiiNiPaa)
Weird thing with structs and arrays
Hello everyone, A couple days ago I started programming again, but right now I am already stuck on this weird thing. It's probably not weird, but since I don...
[4 replies] Last: OMG of course!!! Damn how could I be so stupid. Thank you very much gu... (by Nuserame)
A problem of Scope, i think...
The attached is from a project i'm working on using the D2D DemoApp from the MSDN website. I'm trying to create a moving object where the object is instantiate...
[4 replies] Last: ahhhhhh the constructor didn't need to restate the type. Wow, that sh... (by Bugsplatter)
by admgr
Making an array reading from text files?
Recently I have been given assiginment, the description is this "This program will read grades from two different files (one at a time) and do some simple analy...
[no replies]
by eXord
Sorting issues, sorting strings by alphabet
Hi guys, first post here :) so I'm trying to make a simple program which will sort strings in order of alphabet. I've come up with something which looks lik...
[2 replies] Last: very odd, i've literally not touched my code since I put this post up,... (by eXord)
Battleships Computer science project Loop problem
As the title says, I am making a battleships game for my computing science poject at A level. I've been having some trouble with a loop, as for some reason w...
[6 replies] Last: Part of the problem is this snippet: if( { cin.clea... (by jlb)
Help with Identifiying "count"
CODE : //Declare and initialize objects double initial, increment, final, time, height, velocity, max_time(0), max_height(0); int loops; //Get user inpu...
[1 reply] : You're not showing your whole code. The problem here isn't shown in w... (by fg109)
Can't create an array of objects
Hello, i was wondering if anyone was interested in helping me with my problem.The assignment is to create an array of objects from class called Objects.This is ...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks so much for your help, it did the trick.You just saved me a lot... (by Alwayslearning337)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 2829303132... 87
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