Beginners - March 2013 (Page 28)

What does the % do in C++ For example in my friend's program: //------------------------------------------------ #include <iostream> #include <windows....
[5 replies] Last: Thanks (by Code Apperentice)
How do I write Unicode on my C++ program, I use the std::cout. I tried doing it put it doesnt work. For example cout << "电影院" Shows as ??? ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, but umm. for the "L" I don't think I really need it because it... (by Code Apperentice)
char not staying put???
Code is too long, so I have to put it on pastebin. On line 39, I put a superfluous line of code to illustrate my point. Basic...
[2 replies] Last: > Code is too long Minimize it. > If you look on the output of the pr... (by ne555)
by suraya
fatal error LNK1120 : 1 unresolved externals
hey guys i wrote this code and i am gettng this error: fatal error LNK1120 : 1 unresolved externals this is part of the code, this is where the problem is #...
[1 reply] : i think i figured it out i called the function bool surveyfile in ma... (by suraya)
printing numbers
I have a problem printing only one of each number that the user inputs. If the user inputs 20 number 10 it prints the 10 but also 19 other garbage numbers. How...
[3 replies] Last: ur welcome :) (by mae956)
Help with payroll program almost have it
Hello everyone I almost have my program working. (I think) Here's what it requires it to do. Write a program that displays a weekly payroll report. A loop i...
[1 reply] : Your "re-enter data" loop works for me. As for main loop, your conditi... (by MiiNiPaa)
What does this mean???
// Ex4_07.cpp // Initializing pointers with strings #include <iostream> using std::cin; using std::cout; using std::endl; int main() { char* pstr = { ...
[1 reply] : char* temp = pstr ; pstr = pstr ; pstr = temp; (by MiiNiPaa)
Programs not running
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<math.h> void main() { int a ,b ,ar,ac,br,bc,i,j,k; int sum ,diff ,prod ; clr...
[1 reply] : a ,b ... sum ,diff ,prod ... These variables vill be created ... (by MiiNiPaa)
Getting C2084 error Please Help!!!
Heres the Item.h file code: #pragma once #include <string> using namespace std; class Item { private: double price; int weight; string ...
[1 reply] : In the future, Please use code tags when you post. It makes the code e... (by Yanson)
Help with sentinel loop and nested decision
I have to write a program to solve a quadratic equation and have different outputs based on the input (zero divide, no real roots, and the answer). I'm having ...
[no replies]
C++ Book Recommendation
Hi, I'm looking for a book which teaches C++ starting from zero; i.e., it explains what a compiler is, how to choose one, etc. I've looked through a lot of b...
[9 replies] Last: Stormhawk, thanks! (by Observer)
Truncation problem?
My friend challenged me to make a calculator. I decided to make an exponent function, and it works fine except for when I enter a fraction. I'm using the pow()...
[1 reply] : The arguments to the pow function should be doubles, however I would h... (by TheIdeasMan)
Code to check mismatch symbols doesn't work
All, I created code to check if there are parentheses (), Braces {} and Brackets that are not closed. Here is what I came up with: #include <iomanip> #inc...
[15 replies] Last: Works perfectly. Thanks a lot! (by anderfernandes)
Output always 0 in function
Hi I'm new to this site. You guys seem helpful though. I am taking a beginners class and this stuff doesn't click with me too well. I followed my logic step by ...
[2 replies] Last: There is no return statement in the convert2metric function, otherwise... (by TheIdeasMan)
Faster way to write if statements?
hello, i am obviously a beginner here and im writing a program thats like a small text adventure that gives a location and asks what direction to go: cout <<...
[2 replies] Last: Only use a switch/case if you are 'choosing'. The difference between ... (by IWishIKnew)
Win32 Console Application
Is the 32 in Win32 Console Application referring to 32bit OS?
[no replies]
New to OOP, need help with classes
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Area { Area(int , int ); int length; int width; int* IN_DATA(); int CAMPUS...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks, Problem solved! (by panther1)
New to the language, need help with program.
Hello everyone! I am, as the title says, fairly new to c++. I am trying some very basic commands, and I figured I would try and make a cout statement in OOP for...
[1 reply] : When you define the content of your print() function, you have to indi... (by toum)
wrong value when adding random intergers
Hi, I have this calculator assignment to do and it is going along fine I have about 70% done but I am stuck on a certain part. When I add my two values that I o...
[2 replies] Last: Wow, Thank you very much. I had somehow fixed the previous problem I h... (by persontothe)
How to retrieve the first eight bits of a number
Hello, I am working on a project where I need to retrieve the first 8 bits and last 8 bits of a number and store them in an array. Below is what I have so far ...
[1 reply] : Looks reasonable to me. (by Chervil)
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