Beginners - March 2013 (Page 26)

by ZFlar
Hello, I have this function int *find(int *arr, int numElemns, int *value) { for (int i =0; i < numElemns; i++) // function to find an element in a...
[7 replies] Last: Great. Thanks a lot, Warnis. (by ZFlar)
cout not printing anything?
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { for (int x=1;x>9;x++) { for (int y=1;y>9;y++) { cout << x; c...
[6 replies] Last: To see nine multiplication tables, use: for (int x=1;x <= 9;x++) ... (by Marcos Modenesi)
sum of all the numbers that can be written as the sum of fifth powers of their digits
Hi everyone. I am new to C++ and I am working on project Euler problem 30 and running into some problems. The problem asks you to find the sum of all the number...
[1 reply] : You forgot to reset tot to zero for each new value of a .... (by Chervil)
How to Search For a Word and Display Line Containing that Word and Specific # Lines After
I am STUCK! I have searched and searched and searched through every example and I can not find anything that has helped me! I'm using Dev-C++. The program that ...
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using nam... (by JNicoleKMC)
what does protocol mean?
i have created a client server program and now i must document the protocols but i don't know what that means. can someone explain it please?
[10 replies] Last: HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol FTP: File Transfer Protocol (by Stewbond)
Using pointers and Dynamic Arrays, Confused
I have a current assignment I'm trying to finish by tomorrow but I'm totally clueless as to how I can fully "build" this program. I'm currently working with ...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you for your help, Lowest One, but the header with the class fil... (by closed account LEwpfSEw)
help while loop
/ int Num = 18; cout << " Multiples of 9 from 27 to 81:\n"; while ( num <= 81 ) { Num = Num + 9; cout << Num << " "; num++; } int n = 1; int NUM...
[7 replies] Last: That fixed it thanks so much!!!!!! (by cmiller9732)
Searching for two-character sequences in text.
Hello. I'm wondering what is another way or a better way to find 2 character sequences in a text? In this case, the code searches for "ff", "fi" and "fl". #in...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply. Your code doesn't seem to give accurate results ... (by Olysold)
C++ multiple classes program...
Hello, i need a c++ code that uses more than one class with all the features like constructs/destructors, aggregation/composition, new/delete so on. i need a ...
[1 reply] : (by LB)
C++ Code problem using vectors
My assignment was to create an empty vector of integer type. Then it would use a "for" loop to prompt the user to enter 20 integers and stores them in the vecto...
[3 replies] Last: That's an array not a vector. You need to add #include<vector> into yo... (by Olysold)
Using Recursion & substring to count a's in a string phrase
This is a college assignment that I'm stuck on. Write a recursive function that counts the number of a's in a string. Your program should include a driver th...
[4 replies] Last: I'm a beginner at C++ but to me it looks like you are also, as you sai... (by Bugsplatter)
university grade c++ program using condtion operator only
i want to make a c++ program in which we can only use if and else if and else to calculate GPA of students i was thinking that string is going to be use and i...
[6 replies] Last: Sure ill do it, do you have paypal? (by huike)
Quick Function Question!
nvm got it.
[no replies]
Tracing a simple code !!
I want the program to put a space in this location : array .sentence[index[counter-2]] = ' ' ; # include <iostream> # include <algorithm> # include <s...
[4 replies] Last: can any one try this input for me please : Rene Decartes once said, "... (by PureEvil75)
OOD (Object Oriented Design) Question on "class"
The below code is giving me an error. I'm cannot find the problem. I'm listing the code and the errors Xcode is giving me. I'm trying to write the definition...
[3 replies] Last: Not necessarily all of the functions, just the functions that you are ... (by jlb)
Creating arrays and initiating a search within an array?
Hello all. I am fairly new to C++ and computer programming in general. Right now, I am working with arrays, and functions (arrays being a concept I can't quite ...
[3 replies] Last: You might get bonus points if you write your own function for find als... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
by pazza
Pass Vector of pointers to function expecting an array
Hi, I have a vector of pointers to objects, I need to pass this into a third party function which is expecting an array of objects, the function prototype go...
[9 replies] Last: As mentioned, a different approach required then. Thanks for explanat... (by pazza)
Abstract classes
I have this problem that this is my second semester in programming and i have assignments like this which i cannot understand since the teacher in Poland do not...
[2 replies] Last: my bad, how do i remove post (by bigapewhat)
For loop reads second parameter as first along with first parameter...
So I did a test code for changing colors and stuff, and it compiles right, but I'm having a problem, first look at the code: #include <iostream> #include <...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks! (by cplusplus123)
Help fast!
Can someone tell me why this won't work? Some fresh code:) This code should calculate a average value of a number of throws with a dice. I use random_device ...
[7 replies] Last: did your compiler supports random library? because your code works for... (by MiiNiPaa)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 2425262728... 87
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