Beginners - March 2013 (Page 22)

by mrju5t
Small program output not correct?
This is a 4 hand poker program. I just hit a roadblock which I can't solve. When I run the program and enter values in between 1-10 it's supposed to tell me whe...
[2 replies] Last: Try this input 2 9 9 2. And you will get a "3 of a kind". I have fixed... (by mrju5t)
by epi975
Replacing a char with an integer
Hi! I am learning c++ still but in a personal project I came with an issue of trying to replace a single char in a string with a predefined integer. Here's the...
[1 reply] : The replace line should probably look like this: replace (conver... (by Chervil)
Get character from console
hiiiii everyone I wondering if there is a way to get a character from the console like for exp I have this text printing in the console Dennis MacAlistair R...
[4 replies] Last: never mind I got from another website (by closed account 28poGNh0)
figure out if C string contains int or char?
Hi, basically, I need to know if a C string contains numbers or words for error checking. I am very sticky when it comes to char arrays & strings... what...
[1 reply] : C-string or null-terminated string is an array of char, which ends wit... (by MiiNiPaa)
access one classes function from another class
I just restarted programming (I had given up for a while), and have ran into a problem. How do you access the function that is in one class from another: cla...
[6 replies] Last: Oh thanks...I feal realy dumb (by connorvba)
by poziga
Read png file binary
Hello I have a question how can i read a png file binary? FILE *f = fopen("image.png","r"); How to use fread now for example just to printf the numbers from...
[12 replies] Last: I guess that was the problem. I changed the line to fread(n, 1, 23, f)... (by poziga)
Hi If you have several pairs of squares and to each side of the square must be numeric. Together how that number is the same side of the face. Please help me ...
[1 reply] : What is the question? It seams really unclear. (by connorvba)
read diff in time HH:MM:SS
Hi I am having some problems with my program. I am trying to get a user to enter two different time and get how much the different it is between them. The us...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the help:) (by leprechaun)
ASCII characters
I'm fairly new to C++ and have written a fairly basic program. I am struggling to get ASCII symbols to appear when i run my program. For example instead of wri...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you. That's great. (by andyjacko1985)
Need to find very large numbers by pow(2,x) x > 2000
Hey all :) I need some help, i need to get very large numbers, say 2^30000, i know that none of the available variables can store such numbers, but there has ...
[1 reply] : That sounds like a case where some sort of large integer library is re... (by Chervil)
adding thrust and gravity to a circle
this is a assignment that i have been unable to complete, and i need to finish it so i can move on to the next assignment. any tips would be greatly appreciated...
[5 replies] Last: (by Yanson)
Problems with using class and switch case to compile a fraction calculator
hey guys, I got a little problem when running the following code, it is about fraction computation. I dont know why it can't output the result I needed, could a...
[1 reply] : Please use code tags when you post. (by Yanson)
Problem with a little program.
Hello! I am new here and I have a question. I am trying to do a more complex program, but I stumbled across a problem with one of my functions. I'll post a si...
[2 replies] Last: The fclose and FILE*f were there from the function I used. But that wa... (by Venom18)
the code doesn't debug, why did i do wrong?
this is what i have now. why does it have so many errors? what did i do wrong? this code gives you 4 options the first option is suppose to reserve a ...
[3 replies] Last: thanks (by Beginner007)
Need Help Please!!!
I have to create a program that reads data from a file and calculates the GPA average for female and male students. The program must contain these functions,...
[1 reply] : #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<string> #include<iomani... (by Yanson)
how to split this text file
I have a problem with splitting this kind of text file (l,a,b,2) // l means lambda, a and b is input and 2 is I have 2 input (2,0)(3,0)(0,0) (0,0)(4,5)(0,0) ...
[no replies]
Math Quiz - Functions - Help please!
The object of the program is to generate two random multiplicands and compute the answer. The user selects the range of numbers to be multiplied as the difficul...
[2 replies] Last: Okay, first of all, you need a set time to ask the question of whether... (by The Mighty Boosh)
Problems with Reading/Writing/Finding in a .txt file
I plan to have my program to get the user's first name, middle initial, last name, age, and other varied things later on. Then once they have been inputted, sa...
[no replies]
Making a Diamond
So I have to write a program that makes the shape of a diamond. The diamond looks like this: #include <iostream> using namespace std; void diamond_line(...
[5 replies] Last: Ok the one you just posted has everything that I'm familiar with. Than... (by H3avenlySoul)
Program can't find which is the longest
This program detects which sentence is the longest in a notepad. It also gives the word count of the sentence. This program worked when i first tried with just...
[1 reply] : Line 27 is before the loop starts, it uses the size of the very first ... (by Chervil)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 2021222324... 87
  Archived months: [feb2013] [apr2013]

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