Beginners - March 2013 (Page 18)

by suraya
how to create a 2D array
hey guys can someone give me an example of a 2D array because i need to use to in my assignment and i just found out that its not the same case as an array wi...
[4 replies] Last: thank you a lot :) (by suraya)
Compile-time const calculation.
Hello, I'm trying to set up automated parameter testing and wish to keep it modular. To do so, I've modeled each parameter as an object, being: template<clas...
[2 replies] Last: They can work till there are non changing values in the code.. will th... (by writetonsharma)
by fx11
How to post code and output side-by-side
YOUR CODE GOES HERE. --- OUTPUT CAN BE PUT HERE. (optional) [/code \ ] remove the last \ before ] before you submit your post
[6 replies] Last: I appreciate the help. I could not for the life of me find this articl... (by booradley60)
by krutuk
Problem with a string of integers
Hi everybody! I have a little problem with a string of integers. After assignment 2d array from stack to 2d array in dynamical memory becomes a problem. 2d ar...
[2 replies] Last: coder777, thank you very much. I did so stupid mistake. (by krutuk)
Sending and retrieving program
I dont know what is wrong with the program it is suppose to retrieve data from a file. just 2 simple lines but i dont know what this error means plz help Error...
[3 replies] Last: According to google, that error LNK1105 is something specific to Micro... (by Chervil)
by mhe33
int * & a
What does this mean " bool function1(int * & a) " is it that address of a is a pointer to the integer that will be inputed in the function1 call? and why would...
[1 reply] : It's a reference to a pointer. Reference examples: int i = 10; int &... (by Catfish3)
Ceasar's Cipher
hey guys, Im running an encryption program! Everything runs fine, it encrypts as I would like it to. Unfortunately I need an expression which will allow me to d...
[2 replies] Last: thank you so much. I don't know you, but I'm pretty sure I love you. (by jjwarns)
by fluffy
What do you think?
identify the error in the following code segment. int main() { int x ; for (int i=0;i<=8;i++) x =i; return 0; } I think that this does anything. What a...
[8 replies] Last: Oh , I forgot that it starts at zero. Thank you so much for your help... (by fluffy)
User-defined functions and arrays
I need help with this: Write a function that takes two parameters, an integer array and its size. The function should compute and return the number of odd int...
[5 replies] Last: There's quite a bit of discussion about that here: http://www.cpluspl... (by Olysold)
by Oreo
Program enters infinite loop when validating input
Hi, I'm having trouble with this guessing game program in which the user is prompted with whether they want to play a guessing game where the user guesses a num...
[5 replies] Last: Instead of two separate loops, put all the conditions together in a si... (by Chervil)
Credit Card Validation Question
Hello, I have an assignment where I need to write a program to validate a credit card using the LUHN formula (MOD10). I have steps on what to do but I'm los...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> int main() { // get the di... (by JLBorges)
by Trupti
System.AccessViolationException was unhandled
Hi, My C# app throws the following exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication t...
[1 reply] : I wonder if someone would be able to help with C#.. its (by writetonsharma)
by tomz6
VERY SIMPLE CODE - Wont work :( timeGetTime()
Why won't this work? #include <iostream> #pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib") void main(){ double prevTime = timeGetTime(); std::cout << (timeGetTime() - pre...
[1 reply] : You should include the header that contains the declaration of functio... (by vlad from moscow)
by ZFlar
Program termination
Hello, I'm writing a program that validates a password entered by the user. The password has to contain some characters including * The problem is that th...
[4 replies] Last: passLen = strlen(passName); if ( passLen == 1 && pass... (by cire)
Basic Text File Line Counter
void lineNum(string fileName, ifstream& myFile) { int lineNum=0; char ch=0; while (!myFile.eof()) { myFile.get (ch); if(ch=='\n') lineNum+...
[1 reply] : '\n' means you are going to new line. If you want behavior like in sec... (by MiiNiPaa)
by AprilC
Help in Command Line Argument, Multiple Sum Digits
Hey everybody I'm fairly new to C++ and have been understanding until Ive hit this rock. Im trying to figure out how to indicate whether or not a first command ...
[1 reply] : Oh and this is all i have so far =( #include <iostream> using namespa... (by AprilC)
New notation?
I'm confused by lines 39 and 40. They didn't really explain how exactly they work or what they are. Can you guys tell me, please? // // TypeConversion - d...
[5 replies] Last: No, it just converts between data types using defined conversions http... (by MiiNiPaa)
Linked Lists - Deleting Nodes - Beginner
So I've been searching forums, but im still very new to the language and linked lists so I can barely decipher the results. basically I made a delete functio...
[4 replies] Last: what the problem is? (by MiiNiPaa)
How would I find and display the largest and the smallest values stored in an array?
[6 replies] Last: This won't compile. Please compile first. Then try fixing your errors/... (by tcs)
printing output to a txt file
Hi, I am having issues printing the prime numbers from the calPrimes function to a text file. It prints out fine on the screen, but only writes the first nu...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much!! (by heatherjoanne44)
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