Beginners - March 2012 (Page 67)

not sure if my logic is good
This is for homework, so please don't give me code, just suggestions in the right direction. I am writing a program that will ask the user for a final grade, a...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you! Will give it a go. (by badkaykay)
by JanisM
File in/out
where da hell I have prolem?? :D I need to rewrite only those words which have m letter <quote> #include <iostream> #include<fstream> using namespace std; const...
[1 reply] : where da hell I have prolem?? If you don't know what your problem i... (by hanst99)
How do you alter variables within arrays
I am coding a text RPG, and am trying to implement options to 'move north', 'move south', and so on. I have a 10x10 struct (I should add code to prevent the pla...
[2 replies] Last: I get it- of course, the array is for storing data in each combination... (by noahpocalypse)
by seppel
Error: vftable gone!
Pls see the last lines in function main below. The line in which the code crashs is marked. If somebody could please explain why frame is ruining it? Thank...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for that guestgulkan. (by seppel)
by Jynks
passing a enum to a function...
Here is some code I am testing with to get a better understanding of enums. Please remember I am a beginner so do not go into super complex solutions... What...
[2 replies] Last: enum EMenu {NewGame, PlayAgain, RestartGame, Instructions}; This sh... (by hanst99)
Program that checks if string is palindrome
Gahh I can't figure this out. I really just need help getting started.Thanks in advance if anyone can give me some tips where to start. Write a program that wi...
[4 replies] Last: bool is_palindrome( const std::string& str ) { return std::equal( str... (by JLBorges)
by jamos
Storing variable values while in 'do' loop
Good afternoon people, This will probably lead to a simple solution but I figured I'd seek clarifcation on how exactly to do it rather than keep using the tr...
[2 replies] Last: I'd use std::vector, but an array could work. (by cire)
Inheritance and Polymorphism
I have to create a grocery store checkout that shows the reciept. I have all of the following code and it starts to load but in the process runs into an error ...
[3 replies] Last: //default constructor for Item class Item::Item( const char* name ) ... (by cire)
School Project
I'm extremely new to C++ and recently started reading "Beginning C++ Through Game Programming, Third Edition" by Michael Dawson to start my learning. I have a s...
[no replies]
by M1A1
help with this question
please I'm still new to the whole c++ language, and I was hoping someone would help me how to write this program please. here is the question ........ "Let ...
[1 reply] : i assume you tried something yourself? Could you please show us? And ... (by Jikax)
Help With Linked List
So for my hw, I have to create a linked list of movie objects. This is the code for a Node class that my prof supplied for the hw. Node.h template <ty...
[6 replies] Last: Error: Movie::Movie(const Movie &) is inaccessible I forgot your copy... (by hamsterman)
Stored Procedure Problem
Hi, I am new to c++ and stored procedure, how to get two values from sql server. Here's my stored procedure code Create Procedure Get_Item_Details ( ...
[no replies]
by PL285
Help With Simple Functions? Please Help me!
Hello, I am having trouble figuring out how to make these functions. I basically need a member function that will compute the total food needed for a zoo by typ...
[no replies]
by dpan
Memory leak with strtok?
This question occurred to me today as I was working with strtok. If I create a new array of char with "new char[ size ]", then use strtok on that char string, i...
[4 replies] Last: Yes. What is or was in the array doesn't change what delete is going ... (by histrungalot)
Hey, I know this isn't working because of the "i =toReverse.length();" in the for loop. I guess you can't use a function like this but how would I do what I'm t...
[8 replies] Last: You are very close, there are really only two changes you need to make... (by naraku9333)
by PL285
How to clear up rest of unused array???
Help, right now my total from my function comes out as like 15190923, which is way too high. It should be around 4200. I know that if I change it so that my for...
[1 reply] : You should probably do it in the constructor but since I don't know mu... (by vin)
Hello, I was working on a practice problem from an online source ( The problem was to calculate any given position on Pascal's Triangle and ...
[1 reply] : Think of it not like a triangle but as stairs     1  2   3  4 ... (by histrungalot)
Please help with my Undefined Reference errors!
I am trying to make a program that implements a date class. All it does is print the date constructed by the default constructor. However, why are my main funct...
[1 reply] : nevermind! I found out it was a compile error on my part.. (by packerfan128)
Checking Text
I would like to know how to check text input... like... cout<<"Yes or No?\n"; cin>> //insert nonsense here I figured I would use a char variable but I ca...
[2 replies] Last: Ahhhh! Okay! Thank you very much! (by daniel96)
by TMad
Read/write one byte
Hello, I am very new to C++. My question is how you read and write one single byte to /from a file? (1) So say I wanted to put the third byte to FF (in hexd...
[2 replies] Last: Excellent! That was exactly what I needed. Thank you! (by TMad)
March 2012 Pages: 1... 6566676869... 71
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