Beginners - March 2012 (Page 61)

Need help getting started
I need help getting started and understanding how to do this assignment: Assignment 3 Roger has a very active social life, and is having problems keeping...
[no replies]
by aryu
Why doesn't my program run?
#include <limits> #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <string> #include <iomanip> #include <ctime> #include <fstream> using namespace std; ...
[2 replies] Last: So I closed the bracket for main and it wasn't the problem. How am I s... (by aryu)
Help with a palindrome checker
I am stuck making a palindrome checker program. I have viewed an example here: and here:
[no replies]
What is the difference?
I've written a program. It works. Problem is, the whole thing (mostly) was in main. Now, I'm going back and plugging in functions where I can. The problem i...
[5 replies] Last: That was it. Thanks so much, that was so helpful! (by ErinCorona)
computing pi
Hello, i recently posted a question about this but my professor is at it again. this time he wants me to calculate pi using functions. i have to use a that calc...
[no replies]
vector that holds two items
Need to make a vector that stores two object, so that each index of the vector has 1. a generic object 2. a float object. What's the best way to do this? I ...
[8 replies] Last: Make two vectors (by ne555)
by poda19
what is static linking?
my programs request for some dll files when i run them on other machines i do not want to copy the dlls in program directory. i searched and found out that by ...
[7 replies] Last: i know i'm late to this convo, but static linking means you would have... (by finalfantasyfreak15)
by aryu
I have been trying to figure this out for awhile now but I am not sure why my programs is not rerunning. #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #includ...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks so much. It is much appreciated =]. (by aryu)
Books on game programming
I was thinking about getting "Beginning Game Programming (third edition)"
[3 replies] Last: Screw this. Wrote this really long post and the forum ate it. AGAIN. ... (by hanst99)
Newb to C++, need help
Hello fellow coders. I have recently taken an interest in programming after seeing some simple management games made with c++. I am trying to create a simpl...
[4 replies] Last: Thankyou for your input. I will be sure to checkout codelite. I think... (by binga30)
GCC Flags
Hello all! In GCC, there are compiler flags for specific processors (e.g. "-march=k6-2" and "-march=core2"). Do these tell the compiler what instructions it ca...
[1 reply] : Yes, it does determine which instructions can be used in the first pla... (by Athar)
Unresolved externals error
Hello, I'm currently working on a quick assignment for school to get used to working with classes and constructors, and I had a few things that I wasn't sure ab...
[5 replies] Last: If you remove dog() and don't provide any other constructors, the co... (by Moschops)
by wtf
Why won't this work:
bool func() { bool rv; return rv; } int main() { cout << func() ? "" : "Good" << "bye World!\n" << endl; return func(); } ...
[3 replies] Last: Do you know why it compiles with those parentheses? If not, it's becau... (by closed account zb0S216C)
Possible Memory Leak?
I'm trying to figure out whether or not this code causes a memory leak: char *Buffer( new char ); char *End( Buffer + 99 ); Object *Last( 0 ); Las...
[4 replies] Last: OK, so basically, by casting Buffer to Object * , I'm effectively d... (by closed account zb0S216C)
Codeblocks functions/documentation
Not sure what the term is (can someone also help with that?) for where to find the functions in Codeblocks. Basically, when you use a function already provided ...
[1 reply] : That's got nothing to do with Code::Blocks. If you are using g++ - it'... (by hanst99)
help with array of strings
Trying to get this code to work, know there are easier ways to do it but just testing out an array of strings... I get the error message "incompatible types in...
[9 replies] Last: Basically it talks about arrays of strings and how, to create an array... (by Amnesiac)
How do I code a spline path?
Hi I'm trying to create a spline path as seen in the link below but trying to find the fomular to use has been the most difficult aspect since I don't know h...
[9 replies] Last: Sorry, I made a mistake, this is the correct formula p(t) = (t^3-t^2-... (by mik2718)
filestreams and calculating averages
I wrote this for a homework problem but I don't know how to continue (the instructions are below). I'm sure there is a quicker way to do this. This works for th...
[6 replies] Last: you would have to return something for this means returning integer... (by Subzero030201)
user-inputted unsized arrays...?
why can you not have an unsized array that is user-inputted? for example, the following doesn't work int main() { char str1 ; cin >...
[4 replies] Last: dynamically allocating memory with new or new also requires that ... (by Bench82)
by Casey
pointer to ifstream as a static member
Fist time working with input in c++. I'm trying to emulate something I do in java when I need to set a file in one place and read from it in a few others. Wha...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks that was a huge help! (by Casey)
March 2012 Pages: 1... 5960616263... 71
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