by DocCeaser
stack using array
[4 replies] Last: Ok thanks. I think I can handle it from here. (by DocCeaser)
by Diana Magers
Invalid input statement
[1 reply] : (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
by NorFredrik
Need something to focus on
[10 replies] Last: Thank you very much ciphermagi, you saved me from days of complaining.... (by NorFredrik)
by cbernard8851
Recursion problems
[6 replies] Last: In simplest terms, recursive functions need a "base case". This is th... (by Ashishduh)
Help! reading in data from a file etc... |
[2 replies] Last: You are reading the entire string of numbers into an integer variable ... (by Ashishduh)
by Bogomil512
C++ Programming Hilfe gesucht für Systemzugriffe zu Prozesssteuerung und zur File-&Dir-IO
[3 replies] Last: //Rechte printf( (S_IRUSR & sb.st_mode) ? "lesen/" : "nix/");... (by Bogomil512)
Why should I prototype functions? |
[7 replies] Last: It matters to prototype because it lets the compiler know they're ther... (by wilyk3n)
by mohammad93
I want to use my own program on other computer;
[4 replies] Last: Instead of that for loop, it might be better to use a do/while loop. I... (by whitenite1)
by Amnesiac
array of strings...more confusion
[6 replies] Last: You have arrays of five elements but in the loop you are trying to dea... (by vlad from moscow)
by Amnesiac
best c++ books for beginners?
[3 replies] Last: "The Object-Oriented Thought Process" is a good book. It doesn't teach... (by strongdrink)
by shazlin
print it out according to its address
[3 replies] Last: How to print out the {char *name }? Like so: for (int l=0; l<(sizeof... (by coder777)
by snipslog
What is ^
[4 replies] Last: I know, but they can compile together with a mixed or auto compile opt... (by snipslog)
by atjm88
[12 replies] Last: [quote=atjm88]Thanksn cire for ur explanation of "null terminator", ac... (by coder777)
by bwalence
Variables not retaining numerical assignments
[2 replies] Last: Excellent. Thank you for the quick response. (by bwalence)
by Mrcerimo
switch statement and for loop problem
[2 replies] Last: thank you that was a pretty simple error that i made, but thank you on... (by Mrcerimo)
by meeranpro
[1 reply] : (by Moschops)
by pausmile
Functions and Arrays
[2 replies] Last: I didn't test this yet, Obviously. If you use his code I would su... (by cire)
by Gaminic
Shorthand access.
[6 replies] Last: Use a std::indirect_array<> along with std::valarray<> objects, pe... (by JLBorges)
by Tok3n
Find min&max in array of 10 random numbers
[4 replies] Last: it is totally unclear why you initially set max_i and min_i to 0 ... (by vlad from moscow)
by atjm88
[1 reply] : 1>c:\users\128a5s5\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\27\27\27.cpp... (by kbw)