Beginners - March 2012 (Page 46)

guys..can i ask? what is queue??
[2 replies] Last: tnx :) (by maricel satur)
by R N
Drawing shapes using for loops
Hi guys. I am working on a program that asks the user for an input on how large the shape should be, validates the input, and then displays the shape using aste...
[4 replies] Last: Hint for the upside down triangle: Initialize your outer for loop at ... (by Stewbond)
hi..can u plz giv an example of payroll code?
[3 replies] Last: Are you also maricel satur? (by Stewbond)
by JAM96
Hey I made a new function to my program so it validates the input But I only linked it from the main to it. But other functions are linked to it to. Please h...
[2 replies] Last: Functions are written in the global scope. That means that they can b... (by Stewbond)
what is payroll system in c++???
[1 reply] : Duplicate of Duplicate of h... (by Stewbond)
what is payroll system in c++???
[1 reply] : Duplicate of Duplicate of h... (by Stewbond)
COORD question
In C++ i'm trying to move two words on a screen. I have made a function that sets the coordinates for the words. but how would i use the coordinates set for tha...
[1 reply] : @alvadrive42 Here's a small program to move one line of text. You sho... (by whitenite1)
help guys..can u please answer dz?? what are the parts of computer??
[3 replies] Last: tnx guys (by kimberly)
fibonacci sequence
I wrote this code for the first 25 terms of the fibonacci sequence beginning with 1. It works fine, but I need it as a while loop and nothing I tried works. How...
[1 reply] : If you just want a simple while loop you could do something like this.... (by Hippogriff)
Overloading a Relational Operator
I am having some difficulty in overloading a relational operator. I have a class called "closed_curve," which is a base class for some geometrical objects. I ...
[9 replies] Last: Awesome. I simply fixed my virtual function to be const-correct: ... (by skyline01)
Mitigating stack overflows
A friend and I have written a basic Proth number tester that asks for k and an upper/lower bound of n, then tests with N=k*(2^n)-1 with a nice do-while loop. ...
[12 replies] Last: > I've used your code properly now. Have you changed the code to limi... (by JLBorges)
Developing in c++ for maximum portability
I'm currently working on a game logic engine that I'm developing in c++ because that is what was taught to me years ago, and that's what I feel comfortable usin...
[5 replies] Last: > what features of c++ should I avoid to allow easy portability? If y... (by JLBorges)
by Janus
Problem with strings in Rock, paper, scissors
Hello everyone, I'm having trouble with the string input for a rock, paper, scissors game and was wondering if someone could help me out? Whenever I run the pro...
[5 replies] Last: Oh, and if you edited your first post to include the changes you've ma... (by long double main)
Ceasar Cipher
I am having some serious trouble! I have written some code and had some help with it, but I can figure out how to, with the current code, to take in a large tex...
[no replies]
Factor Calculator Displaying Numbers It Shouldn't
Hi, I am new to this forum, and I have some code in which I cannot understand what is going on. #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> using namespace...
[2 replies] Last: Okay, I have fixed that, and I have removed line 14 and line 15 as tho... (by umop aplsdn)
by hm8
Finding Prime Numbers between two inputed values
Hello. I'm trying to write a program where the user inputs two values, and then the program will find all of the prime numbers between the two values, inclusive...
[9 replies] Last: shucks. (by Lowest0ne)
hi . i'm having a project related to seat reservation system. can you guys help me out of the idea in generating letters? I dont know how to loop letters. This ...
[12 replies] Last: > i mean a link that explain for syntax you just used. Ah! http://ww... (by JLBorges)
Student Grade Book
Hi everyone! I'm new to C++ programming. I need to write a program that reads five student's test grade from four different tests. Each student's name and test ...
[1 reply] : well do you have any sort of a loop? right now all it does is run thro... (by opiop65)
Help whith Structure
I have a project to display the members of the family who lives in the same state and the average age of all members. I got the part of the average age but now ...
[2 replies] Last: The ' ' are used for single characters only so you should have gotten ... (by IceThatJaw)
Looking to take some summer classes for college, but which?
I have my mind set in stone that this is what i want to do in life. I'm currently signing up for some early college courses(in high school) at the moment over t...
[2 replies] Last: Basic is seriously old school and they would most likely be teaching y... (by IceThatJaw)
March 2012 Pages: 1... 4445464748... 71
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