Beginners - March 2012 (Page 34)

Simple function I can't get
Hey I really need to finish this right away. I'm basically trying to figure out bowling scores. These are the numbers in the file: 9,0,3,7,6,1,3,7,8,1,5,5,0,1...
[1 reply] : Your expected output is incorrect. This is pseudo code. It won't co... (by cire)
variable save files/ user editing output
i was told recreate a version of dreamweaver(very basic version) and im trying to get the user to enter in the name of the file they want and im not sure how to...
[no replies]
Using classes (1,2)
I am trying to get a program to call a class, but am having trouble doing so. Here is what I have so far and am wanting it to call the questions for the class p...
[23 replies] Last: Yes. (by Subzero030201)
Jobs and the like
I very much enjoy learning C++ and teaching myself Java(slowly as work is being a pain). I just had a quick question on programing jobs. What kind of jobs do th...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for your help! I'll be looking at this for a while :P (by Datastream)
I don't know how to create a loop to repeat and quit the program
I have to use do-loop to prompt the user either to repeat or to quit the program. I started the program with declaring the variable as character and i don't kno...
[7 replies] Last: Your welcome :D (by Ch1156)
Is there something wrong with this circle class?
here is the header #include<glut.h> #include"shape.h" #include<cmath> class circle: public shape { public: circle(float radius, float ix, float...
[9 replies] Last: Circle is displayed if you make the change above. (It was displayed be... (by vin)
Enabaling multiple outputs in same file
I am stuck on the last part of this problem. These functions produce the desending triangles. Ex: user enters 3 the output is 3 triangles *** ** * ** *...
[no replies]
How to properly get mouse coordinates in Win32
So I've been fiddling around with this, but what I'm trying to do is just to print a message using TextOut() at the coordinates of my mouse. Everything builds j...
[1 reply] : This is incorrect use of the BeginPaint and EndPaint - functions. If t... (by guestgulkan)
Hey, I'm trying to make a bowling scorer and I can't figure out what's going wrong. I am inputting from a file containing these numbers: 9 0 3 7 6 1...
[3 replies] Last: And I'm not sure what you mean about moving the file reading code out ... (by Ryan Bush)
by apox01
Increment operator ++
Hi I am currently learning about operators and I am confused on the actual use of the incremental operator ++ What I know thus far is -when its a prefix increm...
[3 replies] Last: Darn I failed to notice that it was still a value of 2 from the last s... (by apox01)
Deleting Class Iterator
How is it possible to delete an iterator of a class vector from within the class. for example class apple { public: void Squash_Apple(); }; void apple...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks, just what i was after :) (by closed account 2NywAqkS)
Search binary tree
Greetings, I attempting to search a binary tree for a provided value (10) returning either true or false but cannot complete the code... Any ideas where I went...
[13 replies] Last: Got it...i took the dam == conditional out. Thanks! (by darms21)
Determine Class of Object Being Passed Into Another Class Method
I have the following situation. I have 2 classes; call them ClassA and ClassB. I have another class; call it Class1. Class1 has several methods that use me...
[13 replies] Last: Thank you for all of your responses. (by skyline01)
Getting out of consoles (1,2,3)
As the title says, I'm tired of being stuck in console apps using C++. I've tried Win32, and it always just throws this behemoth section of code at you and says...
[43 replies] Last: AND I wanna thank you, naraku, peter, ne, and everyone else in this th... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Deleting data in a .txt file with C++
Can you take a notepad file and using code in visual studio or any of the coding programs and delete anything that has been written in the notepad file?
[2 replies] Last: Coolio, thanks. (by closed account 365X92yv)
by Ch1156
Sizeof help finding size of user inputed text
Im not sure if it is possible to get the size of user inputed text in bytes, i tried it and it just keeps saying 4 which is the size of the string not the text....
[11 replies] Last: If you want to account for multi-byte encoding schemes could you do th... (by Stewbond)
I need help
Done thanks
[2 replies] Last: You need to explain what you want this to do and you also need to expl... (by webJose)
by iliq
divide changed string for int by 10
Hi I have an exercise to make that I should know on examp. Exercise: Read sequence of numbers, stop reading on char '!'. Print max, min and avarage number dig...
[4 replies] Last: i think u want something like this. #include<iostream> #includ... (by naqib)
Passing 2D arrays from functions
Im looking for the largest and smallest from the array but the results are 0.00 for smallest and the last user input for largest. Can anyone help me find the re...
[no replies]
by apox01
2 days into programming, need some help (1,2)
Hi 2 days ago I decided I wanted to get into programming, or at least make a good attempt to learning one. I have done a bit of research on what language to sta...
[30 replies] Last: Thanks to everyone again for all replies @ Zephilinox - Thanks for th... (by apox01)
March 2012 Pages: 1... 3233343536... 71
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