Beginners - March 2012 (Page 33)

by Brianx
Simple list class
I wanted to add a simple class Say - "Customer" and another class "Purchase". I want to make collection of Customer class which holds information about product ...
[5 replies] Last: Hey Moschops and LowestOne, I really appreciate your help Since the... (by Brianx)
by gemmy
Do while loop with stricmp
hi, i'm trying to make a molar mass calculator where you have to input the name/symbol of the element and the multiplier to compute it. my problem is, if the us...
[4 replies] Last: since the coffee is still hot :) Functions: (by Lowest0ne)
In terms of memory efficiency, is it quicker to reference the size of a vector (or any member function of any template container) using the .size member functio...
[1 reply] : > would it be more efficient to store the size in a variable and then ... (by JLBorges)
Question about variable
Hi, I have one question. I have created integer variable with name y. I assigned value like this: int x = 2; int y = x++ + x; Later I wanted to add s...
[5 replies] Last: Please do not think in Java when coding C++. You will end up writing J... (by Moschops)
by Rall
Saving spaces in string (including file management)
What my program does is that the user (1) inputs a string, which is manipulated by the program, and subsequently (2) saved into a text file. The program should ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you! Works perfectly. (by Rall)
by naqib
Can any explain how line 8 works. // factorial calculator #include <iostream> using namespace std; long factorial (long a) { if (a > 1) ...
[5 replies] Last: It would be a good explanation except it's inaccurate, and there is no... (by cire)
Look over some coding problems?
Hello everyone. I just finished answering these coding problems and was wandering if you guys could look over them to see if they are done correctly. Thanks so ...
[10 replies] Last: There was no colon. There was a semi-colon and a comma. Look more cl... (by cire)
by Phoebe
I wish to create a 'naming' application. You submit a name and are asked whether this is correct or not. If yes, the program proceeds, if not, I want the naming...
[2 replies] Last: Flaming marvellous! Thank you so much! I've been tearing my hair out t... (by Phoebe)
by Jynks
Sorting a 2D Char Array in Alpha order?
Hi there, I am trying to sort a 2D array of names into alphabetical order, but I can not seam to get it to work. I am using a bubble sort on the letters, an...
[no replies]
How do you store the binary datas?
How do you store the binary datas? If I put 2 on base and decimal as 222 binary is 11011110 Now how do I store 11011110(or the binary values) and change ...
[5 replies] Last: So is there anyway to display binary and hexadecimals at the same time... (by pclovechristian)
strings repalcement
hi, i am new in programming , can any one tell me how to repalce the string with the other, i have made a program which takes different alphabets as input and d...
[2 replies] Last: thanks alot it is working except for the cout << "message you typed... (by hammad1212)
by Zu007
two dimensional array function
i'm new in C++ programming 1 problem comes in fuction .it's result is correct but it return the value 0 also,if i'm not use return 0; in functionin it print ...
[1 reply] : please use code tags. And BTW, you are multiplying two matrices and th... (by Pravesh Koirala)
Sum of series.
This is the series here: X+X^2/3!+X^3/5!+.......+X^n/(2N-1)! I wrote the code but a compile time error occurs which says "call to the undefined function fac...
[1 reply] : 7 issues in 15 lines: 1. replace #include <iostream.h> with #incl... (by Stewbond)
I dont understand the concept of C++
Hello im new to programing and have been through numerous tutorials books and other sources, and they tell me what is going on and what things are happening. I ...
[4 replies] Last: Hey, I am going through They are great for learning and FREE... (by FireSapir)
inputing char into a int variable c++
how can i make an error message if the user accidentally input a char into a int variable??
[15 replies] Last: If it's being input to a char, then you'll get the ascii code of the f... (by Stewbond)
replacing output in console without clearing
I am making a blackjack game for practice and so far it looks like this --------------------------------- two of clubs queen of spades hit or stay (h...
[1 reply] : Instead of using iostream I think you'll need to use something like nc... (by Stewbond)
by RyanJA
Another new guy asking about that blasted pi program
Hi all! I'm new here (obviously), have done some searching on how to write a program that displays pi using a loop that cycles a certain amount of times (define...
[10 replies] Last: I will keep that in mind. by the way thanks for your advise (by naqib)
what is wrong on line 42
please explain im totally beginner,how can i compile?Basically the requirement is that output should show three lines 1st line int division 2nd double divisi...
[3 replies] Last: [co de]put your code here[/co de] If you visited the link he posted... (by Disch)
Converting integers to binary
this is my code in C++ #include <iostream> using namespace std; int Bit(long x, unsigned int n) { int constant = 1 << (n-1); if( x & constant ) { ret...
[3 replies] Last: ah i see, thanks for the help. learnt something new today! (by intensified)
Any one who have did ivor horton's visual c++ 2008 tutorials?
I need all project files for Ch18 Sketcher MFC. Including project file and c++,rc,... files that need to open the project without any other file. Thanks
[1 reply] : BUMP (by wedagedara)
March 2012 Pages: 1... 3132333435... 71
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