Beginners - March 2012 (Page 26)

Problem with my program
when i write more than one word when asked for note it will loop forever and will only show the first word how do i fix this? i have the solutions for most of t...
[4 replies] Last: thanks! (by Timothy Palmer)
Knowledge of Vectors
I know nothing about vectors !!! Need to master Vectors and c++ too... Any excellent Book or Reference for guidance ? Please Suggest !
[6 replies] Last: Thanks , Thank all of you for your suggestions !! (by unkn00wn)
by Jadax
Test my Game Please (1,2)
This is the first program that I have created that might be of any "use". It is a simple battleship game that I think I have fixed all the bugs in but I'm not s...
[26 replies] Last: She'll probably never let you forget it, either. ;) (by whitenite1)
by pooshi
What is the largest memory
Out of curiosity I was wondering what is the largest memory space (i.e., program) that can be addressed by processors with the following number of address bits?...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks L B for getting back to me, Pooshi (by pooshi)
Can you help find bug?
I have to do this program, with more, in my class... I was wondering if anyone can help me find the actual bug, I have two error messages, which I will comment ...
[13 replies] Last: Thanks for your help, iHutch and Jadax, I'm going to mark as 'solved' ... (by eyesofhope)
Nested header files error
Hello, I'm having some trouble compiling my program. I think this is the cause: Entities.cpp contains #include "pinball.h" however, pinball.h also cont...
[7 replies] Last: Another error gone! Now, I still have this error that I can't figure o... (by Werner2)
Why would you use constants?
Recently I've learned about constants, but while they seem cool and all I don't see the use. Why use: const int MONTHS = 12; whenever it seems that int month...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks guys, that clears up a lot of questions about it :) (by Shefon84)
by idera
count number of sentence in text file
i'm beginner in C++. I try to count the number of sentence in my application program with the function countsentence but it cannot open the file. The function...
[no replies]
Is this the correct cout statement ?????
int test(int& a, char b, string s, int d) where name defined as string, age as integer, and grade as char cout << test(5, grade, name, age);
[1 reply] : Uhm, if test returns anything then you're doing it right. If your test... (by NerdTastic)
Problem with some arrays.
Hi, I'm a beginner in C++(obviously :P), anyways, I'm having troubles with an specific program that I was asked to do. I know I'm not supposed to ask about home...
[6 replies] Last: Ok, thanks, I will do that, but regarding the algorithm to make the el... (by radiant19gamer)
Can someone explain streams to me? Or link me to a guide?
[6 replies] Last: even better (by Crimzon)
how to open a file alongside an executable
in a program i need to make one of the requirements is to open the program along side the executable using the terminal and c++: ./program.exe FILENAME.txt ...
[3 replies] Last: int main(int argc, char* argv ) { if (argc < 2) return 1; if... (by Stewbond)
Stringy Problem.. HELP!!
just started learning c++ using dev c++ from My problem was learning strings. Wrote the script to allow me to put in a password and it would ...
[7 replies] Last: To your second program, if you are using dev C++, the program will clo... (by radiant19gamer)
Calling default function in a class ??
So I need to find a if a string is subtring of a string. So I found out about this The string I want t...
[3 replies] Last: You don't use string you use char. char don't have find() function. (by Shinigami)
can someone help me write this program please ...
Write a program to read in a series of characters representing student's grades from a file called "grades.txt" until the first blank space is reached. Echo and...
[8 replies] Last: thx so much subzero, I understand what you are trying to say. I didn'... (by livelovelife)
How to make a .exe?
I need help making a .exe that runs a program! Please Help :'( (I know it sounds stupid but please help!) I do know Execute: -o executable .out .c ...
[9 replies] Last: it is trivial if you have ever used an external library and are famili... (by Zephilinox)
Recognise user input as a variable
Basically I have a bunch of variables, around 15, and I want the user input to define which variable it is looking at (15 is inefficient to hard code) so for...
[4 replies] Last: or you could use struct Something { string name; string text_t... (by Shinigami)
Having Trouble reading last byte in mp3 file
Hello there I'm working on a program that reads the last 128 bytes of an mp3 file and gathers its ID3v1.1 information to show the user and allow him or her t...
[7 replies] Last: I know this thread is pretty much solved, but in general I've found it... (by Lowest0ne)
Send data to source engine (Half life 2)?
Hi, I want to send data to other program. There is a source engine for Half life 2 and I want to send data from hardware to USB to source engine. I have prog...
[no replies]
by balv11
this is what i wrote so far: #include <iostream> using namespace std; void getData(int & theHeight, int & theLength, int & theWidth) { cout << "Ent...
[4 replies] Last: @en liten kille - Should , yes, as good programming practice. Howeve... (by MrHutch)
March 2012 Pages: 1... 2425262728... 71
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