Beginners - March 2012 (Page 25)

2d array part 2
Alright so I have code for creating an 8 by 8 grid where there are 3 random mice and a cat that always starts at the bottom left. The objective is to enter cord...
[no replies]
Cin is ambiguous
#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctime> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() ...
[2 replies] Last: int main() { int random; int ans; int turn; const int sheep = 5; ... (by Incis B)
A dumb question but a question nevertheless?
So i've just recently started working with c++, and anyhow according to my teacher i have to include the string library ( #include <string> ) if i am using stri...
[8 replies] Last: #include <iostream> # include <math.h> # include <string> # include <s... (by Incis B)
by findme
Storing large about of Text files c++
I have about 4 gigs of massive text files that I will be using to pull out data such as : money,name,operating system, etc. The text files will continue to grow...
[1 reply] : [quote=findme]Does c++ have a way of storing these text files in a eff... (by closed account zb0S216C)
Project Question
So im on Problem 8 on Project Euler and the problem is now. Find the greatest product of five consecutive digits in the 1000-digit number. 731671765313306249...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks guys! (by closed account G854izwU)
Need help with homework almost done
I am very new to c++ and would like some help writing this out. I am not asking for you to write it out for me. I'm just asking for someone to help me start it....
[8 replies] Last: Don't copy just learn. //This code was made completely by -TheNewKid... (by closed account G854izwU)
constant template type
I'm tring to return a value as const and I keep getting this error error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static unsigned char Random<unsigned ch...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks, I found more description here (by snipslog)
by cdf
Segmentation fault
NEVER MIND I have a method that simply returns a value from array of ints 'a' from the wanted element e. However, this is making a Segmentation fault error. It...
[2 replies] Last: NEVER MIND GOT IT STUPID MISTAKE private: int a ; public: void... (by cdf)
how to sort numbers
a) Write a function named prime which has 1 parameter (int n). The function returns 1 if n is a prime number else 0. b) Write a program that cin>>n (n<30...
[5 replies] Last: they are similar to arrays. just was thinking of ideas. (by ui uiho)
standard deviation function overloaded
Tried to break down the math... I can't seem to make it stop erroring me :D Honestly, this is the way we broke it down from our lessons, but I don't understand ...
[7 replies] Last: Certainly you can sqrt() an int, but the problem is you probably want ... (by Zhuge)
average program(wikibooks exercise.)
Write a program that asks the user to type a positive integer. When the user types a negative value the program writes ERROR and asks for another value. When th...
[2 replies] Last: In this program, max is used to count the number of positive inputs.... (by shacktar)
Switch statements
So, I have a program that needs to evaluate a number and then print a statement based on what category it is in. Sounds simple right? Well, I'm trying to figure...
[2 replies] Last: Ok thank you. Its just a pain to have to use a billion if statements:P (by opiop65)
Loops forever with invalid input
ok i want it to say this input is not valid when you write anything besides 0,1,2, or 3 but if (menu != 1 && menu != 2 && menu != 3 && menu != 0) { cout...
[4 replies] Last: i get it now i have contradicting things i said if menu =1 or menu = ... (by Timothy Palmer)
infix to prefix question
the original value is ((7+9)/2-(4+6)*3)/5 i need to convert this to prefix and i got:/*/+792+4635 i'm not entirely sure if i'm correct can somebody please ex...
[3 replies] Last: Correct. (by LB)
Abstract Class & Derived classes
I have three classes but I'm having trouble seeing why one class can use another. Allow me to expand : Class one is our Abstract class dubbed "AcctABC" Clas...
[2 replies] Last: /facepalm Thanks - I think my brain is turned off at the moment. (by georgewashere)
Using 2d arrays to make a game
Hello!! So I've tried looking around the forums and haven't been able to find exactly what i needed so here I am. I have a homework assignment that is sort o...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for the tip! ill try to implement it and see where it goes! Oh ... (by bubbles)
Reading data into array from file
Hi, I'm having a problem reading in data from a file. I'm taking a programming module in college, where we're using Smultron and Terminal on Mac machines ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, I know my question was a bit vague! I'm still trying to shape ... (by blootone)
Networking + Programming = ?
So I'm a little confused at the moment. I love programming, and I like networking, mainly network security. What is it called whenever someone develops networki...
[2 replies] Last: You're probably right :P (by Shefon84)
how to get weather from
how to get weather from
[8 replies] Last: Take a look at and (by histrungalot)
by findme
c++ Beginner issue ( code works but slow) (1,2)
My issue is that when I run both problems, starting up both end up with c++ being the loser in this case.. Is this normal? Did I program bad? I'm thinking abo...
[21 replies] Last: All I did was simply move the cout statement after the while loop so t... (by findme)
March 2012 Pages: 1... 2324252627... 71
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