Beginners - March 2012 (Page 24)

find a max number from two numbers in c with these operators +,-,abs,division only
q.write a c program to find a max numbers from two number given by user and only use these operators +,-,abs,division and numbers are integer given by user
[1 reply] : Sounds like fun, also homework. (by Lowest0ne)
by atjm88
QT Vs OpenCV
Hi, can I know which of the library can be use to do GUI? OR both of them can? TQ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks! How about doing stuff related to image processing, can I use ... (by atjm88)
writing to a vector of struct containing vectors
Hi, I have currently writing a program to calculate a temperature profile of a building construction. For these calculations I am using an iterative approach. I...
[4 replies] Last: Yes, that seams to be exactly what I have been trying to do. I guess m... (by benbehr)
Confusion about : and * in object construction
Hi guys! This is my first post on the forums which is exciting! My first question is probably a pretty simple one (hopefully) - I'm planning to make an addit...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks mate! (by Ben Lawrence)
by balv11
nested loops, with switch statement
hi there, ive got the following problem; there are 4 voting stations. 3 candidates to vote for. three totals and the number of spoilt votes are initialised...
[6 replies] Last: ok ive got everything right, eccept now my while loop has to end when ... (by balv11)
different between int main() and void main()
I want to know different between int main() and void main()
[1 reply] : check this : (by hurdle4)
looping only X times???
my code runs in an endless loop by design but there is a section of it that i would only like to run X times. that section is within the endless loop and it mus...
[3 replies] Last: thank you for the suggestions. turns out, i needed to add a bool state... (by liquidmonkey)
parallel array sorting
Hi there everyone. Or anyone, at this late hour. I am doing a project, and could use some help. I am writing a program which sorts data from a file into an arra...
[3 replies] Last: after doing some reading, apparently what I am trying to do is dual so... (by Kseidel)
by gol350
Function which return sign on some position
Welcome everyone ! I'm new on this site. I love write what I have planed on my own even if the same function already exist. This time my aim is to write functio...
[3 replies] Last: Using just standard C++, I don't think that is possible. With an exter... (by Zhuge)
Why isn't atoi() working for me?
instructionRegister is a private member string variable in my Simpletron class. It will always look something like this: +21007 void Simpletron::decode()...
[2 replies] Last: And what type are variables operationCode and operand? (by Shinigami)
Updating a distributed program
I hope that I'm posting this question in the correct forum, I believe that this is a beginner question. If not, I apologize. So, I've started creating a C++ ...
[3 replies] Last: One way is to write the code, as code should be written, which is modu... (by Incis B)
Change Making Program
Hey everyone I am very new at C++! I am in into to C++ now and I found a program in my book I don't quite understand. If anyone could point me in the right di...
[no replies]
cat and mouse 2d array
Using the following code, how do i get the cat to eat a mouse? What i want the program to do is to have the user input cordinates to where the cat should go to ...
[no replies]
Data Error while reading rom file
Hi , I am trying to write a simple program , which has a class bank with 3 data members and 4 data function for various operation. Here is the flow ...
[no replies]
Comprehending everything about LED automobile lights
The tube have to be positioned inside the cabinet so they're not observable. Light visible leadership is prohibited by law in most cities. At this point you sho...
[no replies]
Write a program to read in a series of characters representing student's grades from a file called "grades.txt" until the first blank space is reached. Echo and...
[8 replies] Last: This should solve what you want... #include<iostream> #include<strin... (by Subzero030201)
read image into an array
Hi everyone, I am new to C++ programming , I just want some information on how to read an image into an array. I am working on this for the past week and am una...
[3 replies] Last: Two clicks after Googling "Boost Image Libraries" got me here: http://... (by ascii)
Suggsestions/Hints for starting a code
Hello everyone, I'm really new to C++, and I'm just looking for any advice/suggestions/guidance on how to start an assignment I've got. Here's the actual descri...
[4 replies] Last: 1- First, lay out the requirements into single sentences. 2 Group the... (by Incis B)
need help passing a string into a function
pretty new at this, ignore the rest but I am having issues passing a string value into a function in order to get it to display the info. below is the entire p...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you, i made a few changes based on what you suggested and it is ... (by mjbasford)
Vector Help
Whenever I try to input integers into this vector it does not work. When the vector prints it prints with only zeros. How do I get the vector to contain the int...
[6 replies] Last: Just to clarify, accessing a vector is similar to accessing an array. ... (by moorecm)
March 2012 Pages: 1... 2223242526... 71
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