Beginners - March 2012 (Page 14)

I need some help with a c++ project I am working on.
I have a project created in Microsoft Visual Studio that contains 5 files. They are main.cpp, Account.cpp, ListDA.cpp, Accout.h, and ListDA.h. I have code writt...
[3 replies] Last: I know someone can help me please (by Rainbowpride89)
by Spock
Using Namespace
Hey again! I'm following Accelerated C++ and for the starting code, it has you writing 'std::cout' for instance, later on it has you defining 'using std::cou...
[6 replies] Last: Let's say that I've written the following #include <algorithm> using ... (by Stewbond)
Using a function that is defined in another Class
How can I use a function that is defined in another class, for example I want to use a funcion that is defined in a class, from the main() function ?
[5 replies] Last: Thank you both guys! What I love about this forum is the "speed of lig... (by Bashkim Ukshini)
bool class method?
Hello, everyone! I am creating a C++ program that simulates an ATM program. I want to create a method that will check and see if the PIN# entered is correc...
[16 replies] Last: @vlad: just to remind, the point of all of this, even if you're right,... (by chipp)
by Eath
Sleep Function
I have the sleep function working, but i was wondering if anyone could provide an example of it working in a loop for to make it appear one letter at a time as ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, Sadly i wont be able to try it out... Dropped my laptop and th... (by Eath)
How to use Dynamic Allocation in CLASS
Hey guys, can you please show me how to use Dynamic Allocation in Classes. I only need it for reading names (chars). So if I'd like to cin an array with dynami...
[9 replies] Last: Ok, I just found out that I can, here's an example: Actor(char... (by Bashkim Ukshini)
by seppel
This smart pointer doesnt protect against deletion of non-existing temporary memory!?
Even if all new statements are wrapped with smart pointers the following code ends with a memory crash. During execution temporaries are created and it seems to...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks! Very helpful comment! (by seppel)
Hello I am glad to have the opportunity to be on here. I am not an expert in programming apart from some experience in basic programming and pascal programming ...
[no replies]
need help to fix this!
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; class date { public: date (int=7, int=4,int=2012); void setdate(int, int, int); void ...
[5 replies] Last: Did you mean #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using names... (by Kastaneda)
No errors... error...
I'm attempting to make a list of random numbers and then sort it into a least to greatest order. I used bubble sort as my algorithm for sorting them, but somewh...
[no replies]
output is wrong?? please help
i have a vector that is 10 big with different numbers inside it. i want to go through the veector and add up how many of each number there is. ie, if there ar...
[2 replies] Last: thanks! (by liquidmonkey)
Using pointers to work on huge files
hello everybody, Right now I'm working on huge data files, and some day earlier I had succeded to convert sample files from csv to txt format thanks to the h...
[6 replies] Last: Can you give an example of the first input line and first output line ... (by kbw)
skip execution of some statements
Is there any way to enforce c++ compiler to skip some statements on the basis of a condition ? For Example : if(i>10) { // do not execute any printf state...
[2 replies] Last: Obviously you don't understand control branching. A if block will on... (by closed account zb0S216C)
by Tijs
Trouble with pointers and references. Also looking for some general feedback :)
Hello everyone, A while back, we had a course on C++ in my studies. While the course was complete crap, i kind of liked programming itself, and decided to le...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks Shinigami! I thought (or at least tried) using the anMonsterX... (by Tijs)
by stuted
Spliting project apart
Hi, so when i am trying to split my project into separate files, to make it easier to use, i get an error, what i don't recieve when it's in one simple file....
[5 replies] Last: I use CodeBlocks v10.05. Oh, i included the header instead of the .cpp... (by stuted)
Passing parameter problem
Hi, can somebody help me with my code? Most of it are working fine except the passing argument part. Here is the full code: #include <iostream.h> #include ...
[3 replies] Last: [quote=cplusx2]1) Those headers are still the same so no need to chang... (by closed account zb0S216C)
General Ticket Sales
I am trying to write a C++ program to use on a hand held proagram that would print tickets and continue adding ticket numbers. I also need to print a company l...
[3 replies] Last: What kind of help do you want? (by coder777)
by Bouki
Dynamic array of abstract objects
Hi I'm trying to have a dynamic array of abstract objects. The case is I have an abstract class Element, and two derivated class Circle and Square. What I wo...
[8 replies] Last: I finally found the error thanks to you the fact is that your code was... (by Bouki)
Assembler assignment
Ok so I don't really expect anyone to know the language in question here, since it's made for the book we use. Anyway, the program is just supposed to perform t...
[6 replies] Last: Oh wow! It was a typo /facepalm. And @guest, I agree. I'm not sure why... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Working on a CSV file
hi everybody, I'm new to C++ programming language, and recently I've been asked to work big tables of data that is registed in text files that are under .csv...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you budies, I have succeeded to convert some sample file from CS... (by nadir CoCo)
March 2012 Pages: 1... 1213141516... 71
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